Next month marks 15 years since the greatest anime of all time began airing

Next month marks 15 years since the greatest anime of all time began airing.
How has it still not been topped after all this time?

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how can you top an anime that literally pierced the heavens?

There is about 4 good scenes in this anime and the rest is forgettable. Kittan and kamina are good but might as well be the same character with a trait or two changed, simon, viral and the spiral king are kino and everyone else is a non character


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becasue it couldn't have cared less what people thought of it, it was itself until the last panel and didn't let fears of "critique" bog it down like some pansy ass non man faggot.

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Thats about 4 more scenes than almost every other anime in existence

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You mean Lucky Star?

OP here.
Sorry wrong image.

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Space Dandy was like 8 years ago though

Which one?

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All wrong. It's amazing from start to finish and the standout scenes would be nothing without the impeccable buildup.

I miss when anons used to shitpost gurren laggan more often.

Sorry we only shit post with forgettable Iseaki shows now.

I rewatched it just last week. It IS the greatest anime ever made. I went from hating Rossiu to thinking he ws a perfectly respectable man to back to hating him again but for different reasons.

Are you fucking kidding me user? Simon is amazing and completely eclipses Kamina. Rossiu is also good though I hate him.

I still haven't found my spiral key despite watching the series like 4 times(

This is the only anime I can think of where I go from really not caring for the protagonist to absolutely loving him by the end. Simon is fucking fantastic and brilliantly written. Why can't more shonen protags be as good?

>haha BOOBIES!

Kamina should've lived.
Show should've ended after Lordgenome.

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Right hands down

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are there any reasons to watch besides Yoko

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I wonder if we'll ever get another adventure mecha series like this was. Sakugan was kind of had the premise but it dropped the ball largely until like the last few episodes. I kind of want a Mecha shounen about some bros on the road with their mechs