Well Any Forums?

Well Any Forums?

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My favorite anime.

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Keijo and Symphogear

90s shonen

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English dubfags on the left and mangafags on the right

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SnK is probably the best example of this with a good chunk of enjoyment for high IQ deriving from watching mid IQ struggle with simple concepts like retrocausality.


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Logh is constant curve.

Okay, I'll bite. What stops midwits from enjoying Nichijou?

SAO unironically

So a parabola ?

No, shitgeki is shit no matter what IQ you have

do you not know what a constant curve is?

.t midwit

Chad Piece

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I know what a constant function is. I know what a curve is. What is a constant curve? A curve that has a constant change? That means its derivative is linear. That means its a parabola.

More like

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how will i ever recover

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>misaka reaction pic
Case in point.

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I think it fits in perfectly.

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