One Piece

This is canon now

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No it is not.

Yes it is


>Everyone thought Luffy's ultimate form would make him harder
>instead its power comes from making him soft & wet

Bonney and Law would be a better team against Big Mom

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out for adoption, two oni babies
the girl is housetrained

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>instead its power comes from making him soft & wet
He now posses the proprieties of gum and rubber

>Law: Strawhat-ya's "voice"... Disappeared!!
Confirmed Law has the VOAT.
With Op Op no Mi(Kami Kami no Mi) he will ascend to Godhood.

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Robin and Law*

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So Kaido and Aisa and and Koby and Enel and his priests all have VoAT? They all talk about "voices" referring to people.

One Piece is crazy fucking good this week.

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Law would pick Zoro over these two any day

Yes it is

ZKK soon.

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Get new material, Pablo.

This is even worse shitposting than when Gear Fourth was first hinted at

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Holy fuck that looks retarded

This. What was Oda even thinking?

>rubber deflects back everything
>the opposite of matter is anti matter
>anti matter
>anti matter fruit!!!

Its tree sap

Monkey cum fruit

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>Enel and his priests all have VoAT?
No, their mantra is just observation haki

Big oof. To think onepisstards say one piece doesn't have asspulls but HXH does.

bowler hat is alive and is busting one last victory nut on luffy's head before he bleeds out. luffy's heart is beating fast because he is gay and likes cum.