Do people realize how normalfag anime has become...

Do people realize how normalfag anime has become? It has become almost as normalfaggish as drinking water or watching soccer.

People in my Middle Eastern country are now watching Sono Bisque no Doll

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That is thanks to the internet, anime is still made mostly for the otaku


if they stick to trash like sono bisque who cares?

>he doesn't know

They are watching everything user Mob Psycho, Monogatari, non non biyori, Yuru Camp it all has become normalfag territory.

Shut the fuck up zoomer. Anime has always been popular in the middle East.

congrats to nippon on its cultural exports

Cultural Victory

Why is the middle east your judge of normal?

Glad you know that you live in a piece of antiquated thrash that the entire world hates.

they don't hate ME, they just actively try to rule it to take all of the oil for themselves before China takes over the world

They only watch bottom of the barrel seasonal trash. Try talking about anything from before the 2010s and they will have no fucking clue what you're on about.

because we don't get anime on TV
our source of anime is only 1 channel with bad dub and the internet so most people get to watch what's trending online

>mudshits enjoying hurram series like Sono Bisque no Doll
Literally fucking how.

not every muslim is extremist, brainlet

>Mob Psycho, Monogatari, non non biyori,
Doubt. I only ever see these talked about whenever they're airing/relevant and then they go back to obscurity.

No you idiot all of the 2 billion Muslims are extremists since they're all brutal

95% of muslims hate extremists
the other 5% are wahabis/isis/qaeda and those monkeys kill muslims more than any other group of people

We watch it and then feel bad about it. Like Christians when they masturbate

I've very much noticed. Barely any fanservice, the little we get is censored 75% of the time yet the normies complain at the tiniest sight of cleavage or about the existence of the handful of pure fanservice anime we get that they feel obligated to force themselves to watch.