I've never watched or read this

I've never watched or read this
what am I in for

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starts out good and then all of a sudden eren has to move a fuckin boulder

Watch or read it and find out.

the ending is shit i recommend you to watch season 1 2 and 3 dont watch season 4 since it shit

cucks and cowards

Why even bother at this point?

Tons of panning shots and close ups of goofy looking faces.

Eran is a titan that can also see the future and there are people outside the walls.

it's kino mystery thriller with many twists and turns with elements of body horror, season 1-3 is by a studio called WIT and looks really good then s4 is done by Mappa which is a little controversial because of their heavy reliance on 3D animation but by that point you should be invested enough in the plot to look past that. There's also some OVAs which add to the story, just try not to watch them out of order or you could spoil yourself

best anime ever!!!

Don't bother. It's generic shonen shit.

Attached: attack_on_titan-girl_squad_9.jpg (786x442, 71.6K)

one of the best anime in history and contrarians can suck dick all day
>but muh end is le bad
this fuckers havent read monster or ao no fag

>other series have ended terribly so it's okay that this one did too

gets pretty horrific at the end desu

wasted potential but the soundtrack is very good and worth it

You're into something you'll enjoy if you have never paid attention to the schizo posting done to date by hurt genocideposters.

Attached: Anon who never participated of the threads.png (1278x230, 58.03K)

a series with one of the single worst final arcs ever, read something better
