What anime is this screenshot from?

What anime is this screenshot from?
Reverse search doesn't help and everyone I asked don't know.

Attached: what anime.jpg (890x764, 324.38K)

Death Note

Boku no Pico

Great Teacher Onizuka

Dr Stone

Baki Bad

Half-life 3

Your Name

Breaking Baki

Meikyuu Black Company

Light Yagami probably is the closest anime character to Walter White


Fixing Good

Bureikingu no Baddo

>Dude becomes a killing psychopath because the world is bad
>Older dude becomes a drug dealer because he's dying from cancer and wants to feel alive for the little time he has left
I don't see it

They're both driven by ego and the thrill to gamble with their lives.

Fair enough

Oh hey it's the guy who hates anime memes.

only correct answer ITT

They both also become corrupted from the power they gain with their crimes.

Your average romcom, think oregairu

Boku no Pico

Who doesn't?
