Live action One Piece new cast

Live action One Piece new cast
PROTIP: live action anime never works

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........those pronouns are there to fuck with us right? Right??

I'd honestly like to see them pull off the Slip Slip fruit with that.

Fucking amerimutts

the literal race supremacist villain is gonna be played by a black dude? isn't netflix's target audience gonna freak the fuck out?

This is fucking shameful. Koby is a tranny, Helmeppo isn't ugly as shit and Arlong being black means fishmen are not going to be CGI so we'll have fucking Indian Jinbe instead of the lovable fat motherfucker.


>Arlong's black
>Nami's Swedish
perfect casting I see

Was just thinking that, but they probably won't use the weight loss aspect of it since that would be "problematic"
You already know they're going to make him 10x more sympathetic, even though the point of his character was being excessively cruel and vicious due to the shit his species went through. There's no way they'll show a black character doing anything wrong

Ellen Page at the top left

What race did you expect fishermen to be?

yo heard bout dem dickz?
them ARLONG xD

Now guys, be sure to remember and properly use each of the actors pronouns in your discussions, okay? See that obvious grizzled man with a beard? Just so you know, he's a man. Is that understood?


Hilarious that the woman playing Alvida is the closest looking to her character.


How did this retarded shit reach mainstream actors and wasn't merely quarantine to 14 year old girls on tumblr?

I imagine they'll go all in on the joke of her freckles slipping off

>You already know they're going to make him 10x more sympathetic
Well, wasn't that kind of what the Fisher Tiger flashback did? Although I honestly can't remember much about it.
Inb4 fake

I do not care, I just wanted to see Jinbe's glory in live action but now we'll have fucking Morj instead.

>we will see more BBC porn memes of Nami

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There's a certain cosmic irony in that. But is this just gonna cover the journey to the grand line or...?

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It's shit but I have to admit I expected worse.
This habit of putting the pronouns everywhere is so embarrassingly retarded.

>Arlong is black

I bet 50 bucks Alvida will stay a fatass because fuck yeah fat women are sexy too and Oda is a fatshaming boomer!

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Biological female.

why do americans always cast blacks as aliens (fishman in this case i guess)? they go out of their way to cast them in these kind of roles, why?

>I originally came out to myself, and my mother, and other people such as my agent Katherine, as transgender when I was thirteen. So quite young.” he shared.

Inspired casting for Koby

This is going to be as bad as the cowboy bebop live action


Me están hueveando...

>as bad
I hope not. I hope it's worse.

Fucking murimutts, two towers wasn't enough.

She will never be a man. Koby (female) will be gangbanged by the marines and Akainu.


why do all pooners look like that

Netflix is gonna raise prices, meaning they're gonna lose subscribers. They need to put a foot up someone's ass to get them to make better original programing

Fishmen come in all colors and shapes, just like how humans.
Expecting every fishman to be played by a black is stupid.

how many L's can Pissdrinkers even hold at this point?

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garps pretty spot on and heleppo looks like billiam. arlongs just gona be a cgi shit so dosn't matter what he looks like