One Piece

Which chapter had you realize that Oda lost his touch and that One Piece was becoming shit?

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Chapter 608

I'm still waiting

No chapter has made me think that.
I love one piece

after moria arc

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really? you never thought "man i don't like this week chapter"?

1st chapter after timeskip.

Oda was always shit, it just took him very long to reach this point because he sucks at pacing too.
Mindless drones, don't argue with them.


>Which chapter had you realize that Oda lost his touch and that One Piece was becoming shit?
idk it wasn't released yet

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It was a gradual process, there isn't one place to point to.

I'm ready to eat my words but people who taking Zunesha's words about Joyboy being back as Joyboy literally reincarnating into Luffy's body are legitimately retarded and should seek medical help as soon as possible.

It won't ever.

>Luffy is defeated a third time so that Joyboy could be awakened.

Oda.............. you're better than this. This is naruto shit


Not liking a chapter doesn't mean the manga is going to shit. An entire weak arc is what would lead to that. And I loved FI, PH, the first half of Dressrosa, Zou WCI, and Part 2 of Wano. Sure there are hits and miss chapters, and choices I don't like. But it's like people complaining about Kinemon not dying and Asspull victories, but laud Alabasta as peak One Piece despite having both. All and all, it's been a masterpiece.

>luffy being joyboy confirmed
>faggots shit flinging left and right
>the new netflix cast reveal with arlong as a nigger
>kobyfags are actual fags
>break this week
god this is gonna be the best few days

If you reread OP you'll find that it never was that good

Literally when Yamato was introduced
There was no turning back after that

Chapter 1 and everyone that says any later chapter will only be laughed at by the people who decided it was shit earlier on.

weird i reread OP 3 times and it only strengthen my love for it.

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chapter 1043


Page one

What the fuck is wrong with Hackda?

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around gyojin's island arc. Between the redesigns, the nonsenical haki shit and the first shit tier villian in the manga, but more than anything finding out that one of the legendary weapons was a giant mermaid was a big dissapointment and made me stop caring about the lore as it was clearly improvised.

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None. Oda still hasn’t released a bad chapter.

Things started a downward trend in Punk Hazard and dropped off a goddamn cliff as soon as they landed in Onigashima
