Favorite flashback/backstory arcs

Hard mode: No USOGUI its cheating to post that series since it probably has the best planned out story with hidden shit splattered all across the story

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I just finished the flashback arc last night. Lots of people say after this is when magi falls off but I really hope they're wrong. Although hakuryu becoming an antagonist is kinda neat. If he gets TnJ'd then I'll probably kill myself

Berserk golden age

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Then Magi because David was based.

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Everyone kneels to Sin(gularity)bad

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Is the adventure of Sinbad good?

edgebros arc is kino and the whole stuff with mother is incest kino too

It's fine. I stopped reading during the Um Madaura arc tho.

Did you just get bored or did the story jump to a new level of stupid?

damn, magi was pure kino until the time skip. The flashback arc was pretty good.

I think I caught up to the release and I just never continued. It was years ago tho so it's probably finished now

I'm guessing there's another timeskip after this arc where hakuryu is the antagonist because there was mention of magi in a thread yesterday and the one thing people constantly mentioned was the timeskip. What exactly did you guys not like? Is the power scaling the main problem?

>What exactly did you guys not like? Is the power scaling the main problem?
Power levels and bad politics with a sprinkling of grating attempts at talk-no-justu and a really shit final battle. I hope you enjoy revolving doors because several characters are going to be fighting in one.

Oh it's just another case of a manga peaking before the end arc and tumbling down while it makes it way to closure. Why is this such a common mistake in manga?

In this case I think there's some suspicion of the editors undermining the writing but I have nothing concrete. I also don't really jive with the writers current series so maybe she just lost her touch.

The Golden Age Arc flashback is basically the real start of the manga.

Kinda funny that whenever orient is brought up people have nothing nice to say about it. Mightve just been her running out of steam at the end of magi then. Too bad I was hoping orient could have some of the same peaks magi did. Balabadd is probably one of the stronger starting arcs I've read for a series

Why is he a Mary Sue? Captcha: ONORR, which is my favorite anime "phrase", ONOREEEEEEEEE

Alma torran was so kino, but pic related is probably my favorite.

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Because he's the main character of the story. The world revolves around him.

There are plenty of hot characters in magi but the Sinbad wank makes the think the mangaka wanted his dick