I'm a black man

Please don't say the n word

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Do you actually believe your fellow blacks think your life matters?




typical naruto poster

look cool dude so what's your favorite manga?

One Piece vut you might not know it cause its pretty underground

nice, mine is boku no pico you should check it out sometime

Thats 2nd place for sure

if you dont like my favorite anime and call hxh trash i will call you a negro




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nothing wrong

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Antr is for small dicked losers

how many boys have you raped today?

N word

Damn Thad, I thought you got buff in prison. You let yourself go.

Jannie bait?

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My dude you need to read the rules of this forum before you post in it. This isn't reddit now fuck off

dude february is over you´re back to being a minger