Canon/fanbase divide

Any other series come to mind where the audience reads and interprets a completely different story than what's actually presented.

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Evangelion fans


boku no hero fans



Spice and Wolf
Code Geass
Guilty Crown
Fate series, all of em.

I think aot takes that prize since it was the first anime for many and they overlooked its major flaws because it had good animation and budget. If you've seen the fans before they got a reality check with ending you'd think this was at least a good show

Was that the case? When season 1 came out you had a lot of people calling it bad, overrated, etc. Season 3P2 and 4 is when it's had the most critical acclaim. The ending is bad but that doesn't take away from the previous arcs.

>Season 3P2 and 4 is when it's had the most critical acclaim.
Because the sane ones dropped it long before that point. Only first timers were fooled by it

Nah that's definitely Demon Slayer. It's such a basic bitch shonen with all the original cliches and nothing original, yet because the animation quality is so good everybody thinks it's amazing. But when you read the manga you notice all it's horrible flaws. SnK at least has some wild ideas, and aside from Kenny arc it doesn't have anything that outrageously bad until the ending. Even the tonal shift is alright until everybody gangs up against Eren for the most inane reasons possible.

>it doesn't have anything that outrageously bad until the ending
Sure whatever you say

>no argument
Okay thanks

All anime is bad/shit. AoT is quite mild when it comes to that.
Eva is a shitty generic mecha show for all but 1 episode of its original runtime.
Meggeca does the most basic meta shit with the mahoushoujo genre that only a 14yo old would react to with anything along the lines of "wow so groundbreaking and innovative".
Two name but two of the staple shit Any Forums gobbles up.

>demon slayer
opinion discarded. kimetsu has some of the best dialogue alongside shigurui and themes but you're just reading a shit translation of the manga while not even having any understanding of its themes due to being centered around japanese culture, values and religion.there's a reason why its being taught by teachers in Japanese schools, praised by numerous authors before the anime (nasu, akimoto,yamaguchi,tetsuya chiba, togashi,mizukami and more) monks writing books about the themes of shinto and buddhism in kny you reading on surface level and not understanding any of these shows

>If you've seen the fans before they got a reality check with ending you'd think this was at least a good show
If you look at Eren for example he was always depicted as the author said about him "bluffing and weak" he forced everyone to join the survey corps because he was "strong and determined" only to end up dying, kidnapped, pissing and moaning every arc so much so that it became a positive to have less focus on the MC as many reviews indicated. The only instance where he was liked was because of the 5 year timeskip when he was a COMPLETELY different character and just Larping.
The circle jerk created an echo chamber where retards started believing that offscreened development was real and shitting up other threads The anime committee took full advantage of this nonsensical story and retarded fanbase, just look at the false advertising of S4 hyping a Reiner and Eren rivalry that doesn't even exist and that's just
One example out of many.
Reiner was set up to be two dimensional character by having him suffer mentally for his actions, except it doesn't work pre timeskip because it wasn't yet revealed why, and it doesn't work post timeskip because he never had a redemption arc and his typical daddy issues was a letdown.
He went back to genocide the island for the third time.
Other characters aren't much better either.
Erwin: lets avoid taking on the titans head on **music intensifies** holy shit no one thought of that before
Armin: a walking plot device.
Mikasa: doesn't exist
Hange: a comic relief character at times, dissapears a few episodes then comes out with rocket technology in the 1900
Zeke: daddy issuesX2
Levi: the textbook definition of 1D character. Even the author said he was the easiest one to write
And many many more, i haven't even discussed the theories they came up with in a sad attempt of trying to rationalize the shit writing

JoJolion. The massive painful cope some people have experienced due to the ending was hilarious

>acshully my nihongo skills allow me to decpiher the DEEP and MEANINGFULL symbology hidden in the many SNOY layers of this shonen batllte shiow, just LOOK at that manga reading monk and you will know I am right
Do yourself a favor. Screencap your post and hang it on a wall, that way once you reach 40 or so, you can look back on personal growth as you will hopefully not be such a complete asshat retard by then.

It's the true plot actually

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user, there are US teachers who integrate Batman, Superman, Marvel etc. or TV shows like the Simpsons, SouthPark and these days likely Rick and Morty into their lessons.

The reason it is being taught is because it is a popular show that speaks to a student's imagination more than using texts from feudal Japan does, not because it is some sort of fancy pants "best thing ever".

Hell, if you want to teach a kid about the basics of Brit mannerisms and social conventions, Harry Potter is probably the easiest way to get it done, and lets not pretend Harry Potter is some amazing literary work.

We were robbed

>It's such a basic bitch shonen with all the original cliches and nothing original
Nothing wromg with that, if it works it works they're tropes for a reason.
>and aside from Kenny arc it doesn't have anything that outrageously bad until the ending.
ah being disingenuous i see. 4/10 bait