
>b-but Gen Urobuchi butchered the characters!
This is not butchering.

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>man gets weaker over time due to age
Damn, truly a revelation

Kill yourself.

>chad zero kirei
>all he feats are with CS included
also love how he got rekt by manchild kerry in zero where CHAD FSN kirei dabs on TA a servant

Liz love?

Funnily enough, FSN Kirei is more of a chad for directly fighting a Servant.

Shows you didn't read the VN, take your shit opinions elsewhere

this is an anime/manga board. not VN. go back to JP

The virgin vs chad meme has lost all meaning since normalfags took it literally.

>you have to read the hecking 100 hour VN
No. Zero is better.

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>Zero Kirei
>Better than FSN Kirei in any way

Kerry vs Kirei is the best Ufotable fight.


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I like Kirei

Shit you're right. I guess I'll go back to Obscure VNs people have never heard about and trying to remember my moonrunes which will never be useful.

For some reason he also grew like 10 cm in that time and that in his late 20s.

I'll take any FSN/Zero dumb crap over whatever abomination Fate is now

Only good for porn. I like Scathach.

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There is no version of Kirei that can physically beat Ciel

The patrician aestheticist

Fate should only have ever been about a bunch of mages with personal problems summoning various heroes to fight over the grail.
Every time it's not that, it's shit.
And Apoc shows that it's not a guaranteed route to kino either.

fuck you liz stay in your shitty containment board.

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Apoc was the one with Astolfo right? I actually had some interest on it, until that one episode revealed that every master on the other team was put on cryostasis or something and only controlled by one guy. Like god damn, talk about one moment destroyed my interest about a show completely. Like you said, I liked Fate mostly because the Master-Servant dynamics. It's not the only good thing from the series, but one of the most crucial part of it. But I guess kiddos these days like the super powerful god servants whatever fighting each other and destroying worlds.