Mushoku Tensei

Say something nice about my wives

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Other urls found in this thread:

saving my power until the goblin hunts

>white and blue will lesbo each another to make their hubby happy

Attached: Yuri....png (177x173, 34.76K)

Migussy is the best pussy

>white NTRs him with red
you know he's into it

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Attached: 74137044_p13.jpg (1035x933, 159.77K)

What can this Rudeus Greyrat do what I can't do? I'm a genius that knows advanced spellcasting techniques in four different disciplines, after all.

Attached: genius quarter halfling wizard.png (374x340, 76.85K)

someone last thread pointed out how Fitz had 6 fingers in that pic and god damn that makes me uncomfortable

I want to hold eris

Attached: qrmrlqt9tcq61-min.png (2876x4096, 3.07M)

>Help me Urupen!
>This bitch is bullying me.

Attached: @7Zv0GpIgAjiuMNS_Atofe is a bully.jpg (781x1000, 638.82K)

I would have preferred ignorance of this fact.

Any Forums newfriend here. What's the etiquette for manga spoilers on this board? Do I have to spoiler tag it or do the animeonly not have rights?

I want to talk about how completely baffled I am about the proposal to Sylphie. Is that it? Did she win the rudybowl? Or is there something I'm missing? I don't read/watch harem or romance stuff so I don't know any of the tropes.

the novel has ended 7 years ago, MT threads are in general full spoiler area since no one gives a fuck
go read the novel, manga is a terrible adaptation

read the novels in case of mt user manga is a shit adaptation, this is g*neral has spoilers till the end of the series, i am sure some other user will give you the links of all the novels

The manga sucks dick and this thread works off the assumption that if you've come here you've finished the WNs so if you're still on the manga I'd advise switching to the LNs and leaving here.
That said, the Manga sucks complete donkey dick and you'd be much better of starting from LN1 as it completely butchers the tone of the entire story, ruins character development and turns it into another shitty Isekai story

>Is that it? Did she win the rudybowl?
user you're not even half way through the main series and if you add the spinoffs to it, it's maybe like 1/4th
read the novel now

Wait, what? Where do I find the LNs?

Dear god, I am so relieved to hear that there's something more/different/better. This whole school arc has been suffering.

Sorry, complete reading newfag here, but where do I find the LNs? Additionally, can somebody explain ehat the difference between LN and Mangas are?

Trust me, if you liked the anime enough to be interested in reading than go and read the LN.
This threads are full spoilers, the manga sucks so avoid it as a first read.
You can find a torrent with everything on nya.
You can start from volume LN 7, but i recommend from volume 1 since a lot of world building was skipped.
Since the LN hasn't finished getting translated than you'll have to switch at some point to WN.
When you are done with the main series come back here to ask about in which order you should read the spin offs.
If you like the idea then as you read along write here what thoughts you had while reading. It's always interesting to read other opinions.

But do not read stuff here, you'll get spoiled pretty hard.

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>do the animeonly not have rights
no, neither do mangaonlies
that being said, enjoy the romance arc while it lasts, before Sylphy gets literally crucified by an angry mob and hers and Rudy's daughter gets sold as a slave to a brothel

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Congrats on being a piece of shit. Hope you feel good about yourself, spoilerfag.

At least I get to be unphased, because that was literally the only way this could have panned out once they got hitched

Don't worry he's just fucking with you none of that shit happens

I can't just find it online free somewhere?

And no, you won't find me back here again cuz this was bound to happen

Fair. I sincerely thought Syplhie signed her death warrent when she accepted the proposal where I am in the manga. Should have known the brothel shit was too much. Thanks for letting me know.

Nyaa would be a good place to start looking.

Manga leaves out an entire LN volume and changes a lot of little shit that adds up over time.

it's just a little trolling user
MT is a rather optimistic story not suffering porn like a certain other isekai
but it doesn't mean there aren't very emotional moments for the characters further down the road

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>I can't just find it online free somewhere?
Nya is the main free torrent site for anime and manga
Official translated stuff
Link with the WN and spin offs. Do not read any of them until you are done with the main story.
Also, that user was fucking with you, but get out after this since others won't be nice and might do real spoilers.

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