Is this a cute catboy or an edgy tomboy?

is this a cute catboy or an edgy tomboy?

Attached: 4a_Neferpitou1615295916393.jpg (1440x810, 102.12K)

it's a faggot

whatever you want it to be

it's an insect of some kind
drone? Are drones female? What kind of ant is she?

It doesn't have a gender. Why would an elite ant soldier have female genitalia?

It's a futa

gonna stick my cock in it either way

Real answer:
Togashi clearly intended to make a genderless character at first but leaned towards making her a female as the arc progressed; This wouldnt even be a debate if it wasnt for horny literal faggots who will die on that hill no matter how retarded they seem.

>there is a cover referencing a painting of coronation of Mary with Neferpitou in her position and Youpi and Pouf in the same position as men
>Killua compared Neferpitou's stance to "a mother's" in chapter 274
>the name of Neferpitou's Hatsu "Terpsichora" is a reference to a goddess
>Pitou's chest is not even "flat" later on as shown in user's crop from the manga and the anime uses this design
>in Caroline et ses amis, based on children's books of the same name, there are characters called Pouf, Youpi and Pitou and French Wikipedia uses "la" when describing Caroline's Pitou character (la is for girls and women)
She is female.

Pitou is a "Chimera Ant," a fictional species in Hunter x Hunter, so we probably can't rely on the sexes of different real ants to clue us in on her sex, but there are other indicators.

Attached: 823.png (718x802, 227.73K)

Whatever my dick wants at the moment.

neither, none of the Royal Guards have genitals because their sole purpose for existing is to protect the King

Is this that prosthetic limb detective?

>is this a cute catboy or an edgy tomboy?

My dick tells me its a female and she has fmeale VA so degenerate crowd will want you to think woman is a passing boy because it’s their wet dream

Its the same with traps. Listen retard, when in doubt just look at the VA

Attached: 4A6E5659-FDDA-461C-9926-6695A0D077CD.jpg (960x654, 31.76K)

That's an ant.

>when in doubt just look at the VA
Thanks iPhoneposter, I'm glad to know that Goku, Luffy, Naruto, Shinji and of course Gon are alll female.

>when in doubt
You have doubts goku is a female? Retard.

>that image
holy shit lmao

Attached: Knights and Magic_Ernesti1646256847407.png (1280x738, 638.59K)

>when in doubt just look at the VA
there are tons of female VAs who voice male characters, retard

>another idiot who can’t read with comprehension

>read with comprehension
this is suspiciously phrased, are you an ESL or just an autist?

Esl autist

not surprising at all