Getting around to watching the Fate stuff finally

>getting around to watching the Fate stuff finally
>start on Apocrypha
>beginning seems like it's going to be the necromancer guy and Mordred as protagonists
>really nice to have a kind of buddy cop relationship instead of the bad romance plots in Stay/Night
>oops, looks like the anime is actually about this random fucking homonculus with no personality, a genki trap, and a lovestruck Joan of Arc. The actually good Saber get shoved into the background this time.
I rarely actually get mad at a plot but Jesus Christ this was so disappointing. They caught lighting with a bottle with Mordred and just left her to fuck around the entire anime and get trashed by Assassin. What a waste.

Attached: 695488.jpg (1200x1657, 486.66K)

Just play/watch on youtube FGO, she shows up a good amount in that, both as a hero and villain.

Nice diary, fag.

youtube is preferable, at least you skip the grind and gameplay

>oh my fucking god, is that a post that's longer than 3 sentences?

>hey I started watching Fate
have you tried not being a fag?

Apocrypha was just a bunch of ideas thrown at a wall. Even if it did focus on this duo, what makes you think it would do them justice?

>getting around to watching the Fate stuff finally
>start on Apocrypha
This is one hell of a rookie mistake

>start on Apocrypha
Actually meant that I started watching Apocrypha, I actually started with the Stay/Night > UBW > Heaven's Fell THEN Apocrypha and I guess I'll do Zero next.

Just a little advice almost everything fate related is either shit or mediocre the only good stuff in my opinion are zero, vn , mask of the phantasm and the cooking show

Its netflix, what did you expect retard? I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire thing was an excuse to popularize degenerte traps because astolfo is the only thing people remember from this show. The chinese changed his gender into female, so that was probably the purpose

Retard, netflix is just the distributor. Apoc is based off a light novel.

>netflix is just the distributor
That’s a stupid lie.
>Apoc is based off a light novel.
So what?

He thinks apoc/astolof popularized traps in anime. The guy's probably one of those newfags. Don't bother trying to reason with those types.

Fair enough. Fate threads are pretty much cursed on Any Forums these days anyway. Only swung by this thread to have a look because of Mordred.

It’s what you get when you turn your franchise into coomer factory.

It literally started as an eroge.
Where the fuck do you brain dead retards come from?

So it started as a small coomer shop with a good story attached. Now its nothing but assembly line coomshit.

Yeah I was disappointed by that as well, kinda lost interest in Apocrypha around episode 12 and just stopped watching actually

>getting around to watching the Fate stuff finally
>bad romance plots in Stay/Night
How do you know they are bad if Apocrypha is your first Fate?
>The actually good Saber get shoved into the background this time.
Yeah, it's a real pity Siegfried is just there as a power up for Sieg

That was my first exposition to fate too, I liked the necromancer dude in the beginning, he was an old Hardboiled type.

>oops, looks like the anime is actually about this random fucking homonculus with no personality, a genki trap, and a lovestruck Joan of Arc. The actually good Saber get shoved into the background this time.

This shit made me drop the anime so fast, I keep waiting for that faggot to die, holy shit wtf happened, talk about someone dropping the soap in a series, the series would be 100% better if they focused on the necromancer plotline, even astolfo is more manly than that homonculus faggot