Thunderbolt Fantasy

Is this the ultimate humble pie of anime?
>look up Thunderbolt Fantasy, see that it's some gay ass puppet show made by the Chinese
>disregard it as some forced meme, some joke, something of no value potentially
>give it a chance
>it wipes the floor with every single battle shonen series that came out after 2012**
I binged the first season and first movie in less than a week and now I want to turn back time so that I can experience it from the first time again.

**That's where the final chapter of HxH, the original manga series, came out.

Attached: MV5BZmQ4MDY5YTItMjBkMi00MWIwLTk4NGMtY2Y2NGM1MDIxNjU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUxNjc5NjY@._V1_.jpg (721x960, 171.25K)

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I didnt dismiss it becuase of puppets i dismissed it because it looks like chuuni fujoshit
and it is
but its good

No way, how can they also like this one? There are no little boys and the men are

>it wipes the floor with every single battle shonen series that came out after 2012
Is it even battle shounen?


The men are hot.

Stop trying to drag TBF in you stupid shitposting against Shonentards.

And the OP of season 1 already outdid all other TM Revolution OPs/EDs for me, even Ruroni Kenshin's

I think it taps into the same demographic, even though the manga adaptation (which came after the TV show) is in a seinen magazine.

>it wipes the floor with every single battle shonen series that came out after 2012**
No shit, literally not watching anything already does that. Thunderbolt Fantasy is still good.

it's wuxia

not her but what is TBF supposed to be

Attached: 05_01.png (350x412, 275.66K)

>No way, how can they also like this one?
The cast is like 80% men, and at least half of those are hot young guys. Even ojisans like Shou and Ban get shipped by fujos.

Attached: Bug boys.jpg (1073x1500, 614.6K)

Thunderbolt Fantasy

Should we gatekeep TBF ?

It's already gatekept by the 5 seeders for the high quality/low filesize releases + the big complete release is under Live Action

Is this show even discussed outside of Any Forums? I've only seen it on Any Forums and /tg/

It's not even recognized as an anime on MAL
Women fucking love puppets.

>thunderbolt fantasy
>there are no thunderbolts

pili means thunderbolt

I don't save Thunderbolt Fantasy threads under my Any Forumsnime folder but next to the likes of The Wire and Twin Peaks