Why aren't tattoos more prevalent in anime/manga?

Why aren't tattoos more prevalent in anime/manga?

Attached: Crying Freeman v02 (2006) (Digital) (Lovag-Empire) 197.jpg (1024x1449, 782.46K)

Because they're shit

Annoying to draw

Attached: 0130.jpg (1162x1618, 425.25K)

Most anime are set in high school and having tattoos in a Japanese school is basically a death sentence

Yakuza connotation, means the woman is a whore/owned/criminal, etc

Are dificult to draw on the long run

Attached: 3FE33B01-C5D5-4012-AD02-C9B1B6130F09.png (488x977, 673.96K)


2nd post is the real answer and:

Tattoos were associated with the criminal underworld and normal people did not get tattoos.

This isn't so different from the West, tattoos meant you were either in gang, in the Navy, or worked in a carnival prior to the 1990s. Hip-hop culture and it's early gang associations made it cool and 30 years later every white kid in the suburbs has tats and it basically signifies that you are a white kid from the suburbs.

>Yakuza connotation
So? Yakuza are cool
>means the woman is a whore/owned
All women are whores

Tattoos are for criminals.


Attached: angry-old-man.jpg (400x400, 38.53K)


they dont draw shit in manga. they use clip paint, blender, photoshop, etc to do that shit. that tiger and the woman in OP arent drawn. literally nothing is drawn in that entier image.

>that tiger and the woman in OP arent drawn
How exactly did they get created then?


but they are, just not used often enough

Attached: buried.jpg (1096x1600, 416.84K)

>draw a picture
>draw a picture in that picture that wraps perfectly to subjects body in every panel
no thanks

this is retarded, you know nothing of tattoo history in the american west and blacks were definitely not the ones who brought it into the mainstream
tattoos were popularized way before the conception of hiphop

>literally nothing is drawn in that entier image
That manga was drawn before you were even born dumbass.

Attached: Screenshot_20220301-184018_Chrome.jpg (1080x495, 86.35K)

Tattoos are fucking dumb and you should feel stupid for having them.


Attached: istockphoto-184603028-612x612.jpg (612x408, 31.96K)

Probably this

But also apparently tattoos are still not much of a thing in Japan. In the west normies get tattoos nowadays and nobody thinks much of it, but there it's still strongly associated with criminal underworld and most manga characters aren't really the type to have ones. Especially if you are just reading some shounenshit or romcoms or whatever where most characters are teenagers.


Yes, you are.

Pain in the ass to remember to draw.