Why is anime and manga so poorly written compared to anything else...

Why is anime and manga so poorly written compared to anything else? I feel even the most mediocre of genre fiction book or film has more layered characters and world compared to the best anime and manga out there.

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>I feel even the most mediocre of genre fiction book or film has more layered characters and world compared to the best anime and manga out there
You are incredibly deluded.

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Because it's easy to please the otaku crowd

Because anime is a form of easy, accesible entertainment mostly for kids and young people. It doesn't have to be complex. Even the most pretentious and deep anime are simplistic stories with no value.

Holy shit no.
Maybe you only watch and read highly acclaimed stuff but nowhere is the generic anime even worse than the generic blockbuster shit or book. Asimov isn't the standard, the standard is shit like twilight.

Can't speak to the quality level of other mediums that much but for anime it's probably because of how fanservicey it is at its very core. Since the 80s it existed to please otakus, and good writing etc wasn't the way to do that

>I feel even the most mediocre of genre fiction book or film has more layered characters and world compared to the best anime and manga out there.
I can safely say it is not true because I regularly read LNs/WNs KEK

You can't possibly have read much genre fiction.

The only genuine difference between anime and 90%-95% of all live action I can stop is that anime characters are meant to be likeable, even the villains.
In most live action even the MCs are such unlikable bitches or outright pieces of shit that I can only assume it's done on purpose and what's live action fags love about it.

Lacks conventionalism for a genre.

Yeah like in Sopranos Janice and Tony are such massive pieces of shit that they're adorned by fans for it. Whereas when compared to characters like Eren or Mahito, there's a divide among fans.

Anime isn't an intellectual medium due to it being the sister medium of cinema, animation. Cinema isn't an intellectual medium, it's emotional. You can break them down into boxes and study them under the form of theory, but they still aren't intellectual. Not in the way literature is.

the best cartoons rarely have "great scripts"; they are a visual vibe, something you see and feel and experience on a gut level. they’re not cerebral, they’re sensual.

I feel the same way about the best live action movies though.

Literature has the highest amount of trash though, even higher than the rest since everybody is capable of writing as long as they have money or can leech off of somebody else. Unless you mean non-fiction.

it has the highest amount of trash because it's been in existence longer than anything and also standards have just been getting worse and worse. hugo/nebula awards are dominated by women and trannies. the internet makes it even easier for trash to be produced. the average author working today isn't interesting enough a person to write great literature.

The "greatest character in literature history"
>Has unexplained super strength
>Is an expert marksman despite never having fired a gun before the scene where he does
>He is the ultimate moralfag doing whatever it takes to save others
>Immediately became a self-made billionaire upon escaping prison
>Is constantly unscathed when put in a position where a normal man would die
>Worshiped by everyone he meets, forced to become mayor of a city because everyone loves him so much
>Is a world class swimmer despite no practice
>He is capable of outsmarting everyone in any situation
Literally no different from your typical light novel. Sure, it's better than overrated garbage like Evangelion, but really the typical anime is on par with the very best other mediums have to offer.

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Yeah that too.
Even old literature was full of shit, especially everything related to romance, but nowadays you have every idiot attempting to become a writer and since everybody has access to books everything sales, which means that shit persists and people ask for more.
I never saw the text but people said that some popular stuff like shades of gray and shit was so badly written it sounded like chat messages or something. I wouldn't wonder. Someone I know wrote a book some time ago and it was legit the worst intro I ever read. Unironically a writing skill I expect from an elementary schooler. He doesn't even read himself, many wannabe authors I know don't. They think they were born genuises that need no practice and believe they could be popular writers even if they hate reading.

Make it less obvious next time.

most of it is targeted at kids and teenagers
somehow the people working on it get technically good at drawing but completly disregard the writting

He was a self insert wasn't he?

Watch more anime.
Watch more movies.
Read more books.

Why do midwits compare mediums and appeal to literature they clearly don't read and movies they clearly don't watch?

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