Stop liking evil women

Stop liking evil women

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No, evil women are the only good ones


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They're not good they're evil


Evil woman are the only woman that admit that they're evil. So i respect some honesty

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Yes, and being evil is good

It's always easier to like a villain when they're fictional. If they were real, I'd say a good chunk of their fans would suddenly get the urge to take them down because they can now be accessed, despite the high difficulty.

Ok, I'll love them instead

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Not enough Villainesses win the MCbowl.

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Stop making these shit threads.

repost of a repost thread

All women are evil.

Oh, so this is some of what I'm in for upon catching up. Not too much of a surprise I suppose, which is fine.

All women are evil, it's in their nature.

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I'm just LARPing leave me be.

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It's okay. I can't like evil women cause evil women don't like me!


I can fix them