This shit aired twelve god damn years ago

>This shit aired twelve god damn years ago

You followed its message and grabbed the happiness in front of your eyes though, right user? You haven't been stuck in your 4.5 tatami world for over a decade now, right?

Attached: TWELVE FUCKING YEARS.png (746x660, 900.39K)

>You haven't been stuck in your 4.5 tatami world for over a decade now, right?
Of course not. My basement was always bigger than that.

Find closure, give up on opportunities. Accept one's fate. Close, not open doors.
These hands were made to let go.

>lusting for more than 4.5 tatami
Humans cannot master such a space, Takeda Shingen.

Attached: [J-pwq]_The_Tatami_Galaxy_-_10_[231A3E93].mkv_snapshot_01.00.192.jpg (1280x720, 186.6K)

I was called an ironic weeb for liking this show.

I went to college and enjoyed life instead of pursuing studies and work.
Dropped out of a 4-year course 7 years later, picked up cozy work from home freelancing, and continue to roomate with actual college kids because all I do in my spare time is drugs.
I'm happy, but something is missing.
But I feel like something would still be missing no matter what path I took.

God this show got boring at the end.

Literally has no porn at all.

Poor mans NHK. Fuck this shit pretentious show.

Imagine hating a good animu so much you samefag this hard.

Life is unfulfilling for everyone. No one is happy, but they find happiness in brief moments. Everyone thinks they would be better off if they were different.

>You haven't been stuck in your 4.5 tatami world for over a decade now, right?
decade and a half actually

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Interesting moral, you should make an anniemay out of it.

Try 11,5 tatami

Yes but my apartment is a bit bigger than that.
Literally spent the last decade with watching anime and posting on 4tschin. The thing is that I already did that before, but back then I was motivated to do creative stuff. I could draw a lot and do a lot of hobby shit, now I am just tired all the time, feels bad. Proper VR never.

I didn't need this moralfagging then and even particularly today after a long period of burnout I still needed everything but this shit.
I look down on those who ever needed it and particularly on those who self-insert in the walking strawman called Watashi.

She's hot for some reason. Maybe it's the bobcut.

Attached: HWe6.gif (422x360, 420.65K)

>self-insert in the walking strawman
What did he mean by this?

>at the end

damn, japanese girls look like THAT?

Attached: chrome_rgLNOGqQkE.png (422x362, 42.11K)

Thanks to shows like this, I did try to grab happiness, it's just that happiness kept running away.

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