ITT: Anime you know you watched for sure but can't remember a single thing about it

ITT: Anime you know you watched for sure but can't remember a single thing about it.

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I can't remember anything
Where am I

Who am i

I only remember that the journey and speculation was the fun part and the ending sucked.

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All I remember is the crazy kid with the axe that Any Forums loved.

lucky user, getting to re-experience it again.

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Growing up I thought having dementia must be the saddest thing in the world.
Now I just think its kind of funny, I keep forgetting shit now and then and I just laugh it off, cant wait until im in the middle of a mall pissing myself having forgotten what my name is - it will be fucking hilarious

darker than black

Blue Excorcist

I remember that it was soulless zoomershit.

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Dimension W

I watched Clannad and Kanon back to back a very long time ago and I remember absolutely nothing about either show.

The only thing I remember about the old Hellsing anime was that I thought that Seras was infinitely better as a character than she was in Ultimate. Acting as more of a protagonist and having her descent into vampirism being treated with the emotional sense of losing her humanity, as opposed to existing for awkward comic relief and an occasional action scene.

But beyond that, I don't think that I could recall what the anime-original plot was with a gun to my head. Something about nanomachines?

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There's a particular time period in my life where I know for a fact I watched a lot of anime, but I don't remember anything about a single one of them.

Most of Satoshi Kon, The Perfect Insider, Zankyou no Terror, all of Tokyo Ghoul, Mouryou no Hako, Pale Cocoon, TO, Redline, Trava, Hello Harinezumi, The Cockpit, MADOX-01, Lily C.A.T., Lemnear, Five Star Stories, Vampire Miyu, Honneamise, and a lot more I've completely forgotten.


Can't remember anything about it. It was probably just another harem show.

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Angel Beats and Mysterious Girlfriend X

I literally just finished marathoning this and the movie with my gf like 5 minutes ago. Is that second season or spinoff or whatever a direct continuation or just like a separate canon? Most importantly is it as good or just "haha look at these waifus"

> Is that second season or spinoff or whatever a direct continuation?
Not yet

Steins gate
But I remember that I enjoyed it

Honestly same for me. The only things I remember are of course in the big twist and revelations as concepts, but I couldn't even begin to tell you what is actually going on in Madoka for a duration of a whole 12 episodes