One Piece

Zoro is not he?

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Exit Zolo
Enter Yamato

Could be, but this might involve Marco.

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Anyone who talks bad about Sanji-san from now on gets PUDDING PUNCHED!

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Zoro would cut her in half.

Someone in onigashima needs to give him cpr

I'd like to see him try!

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check out how badass this fanart fucking looks

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3 more Nakama all the way.

ZKK soon

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Crocodile is definitely Luffy's mother. It just all makes sense .

How did Zoro go from being attacked by Brook in a sheet to beneath Wano?

It doesn’t make any sense at all

Post characters nobody hates.

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I love Ya

in a world of corruption, the position most prime for corruption somehow remained pure, for that. He’s fucking based

Zoro is dead. Son of Oden is his replacement.

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This is Maria playing dressup

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I'm guessing any retard that believes that theory connects the dots from
Iva knows Cocodrile's secret -> Cocodrile was a woman -> Iva knows Dragon -> Coco and Dragon from the East Blue -> Luffy's Mom

Luffy and Zoro.
You don't need anything more than this.

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i like puppies

Yamato offering to show Page One what a pussy looks like
and then holding up a mirror

A Straw Hat death will be much more grandiose/dramatic than that.
However he literally saw the grim reaper so this is the closest he's ever been to death, even including Kuma.
It would actually be subversive at this point for him to live by the end of the series.