Would you recommend watching anything Danganronpa for those who haven't played the games/vn?

Would you recommend watching anything Danganronpa for those who haven't played the games/vn?

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No it lacks the dreading atmosphere

Just play the game

Obligatory image

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I remember watching and playing danganronpa around 2014-2016 and I had an obsession with it
shit series, don't watch it if you are older than 15
V3 was a mistake

Play the games instead.

Fuck no, just play the games, the anime skips a shitload of S O U L and makes the investigations seem retarded since all the clues are found automatically. Danganronpa 3 is an an actual anime though, so watch that shit after finishing 2 and the shitty despair girls spinoff
By the way, the danganronpa 3 anime is divided into two parts that you're supposed to watch like this: Future -> Despair -> Future -> and so on. The final episode is Hope by the way, yes it's fucking retarded and makes no sense

thank you for the no bullshit answer

everything is x500 times shitter in the animes, NO

just read the lp

The anime based on the first game is shit. Danganronpa 3 anime make zero sense watching without having played they games.

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arguably should play the first game before the anime, the inverse ruins the game

Hell no.

Danganronpa already isn't that great. The anime is a shitty adaption of a shitty story. Not to mention you have to play the 2nd game (which doesn't have an anime) to understand the DR3 anime.
Fair warning, the first VN is the peak and it all goes downhill from there. Good luck.

No, Danganronpa is just a dumb bizarre game you play to kill some time and talk to the character design you like the most and that's it. It's not deep, it's not great, it's just has some murder cases to solve and sometimes those are predictable anyways

I already watched 5 episodes :(

no, just play the games

I would recommend the games more, but I was introduced to Dangnaronpa through the first anime as well. I had a good time watching it, it wasn't bad if you haven't played the games and didn't know how much it was missing. If you have time, speedrun through the first part of the game and finish from there. If not, just finish the anime and move onto the DR2 game.

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If you really want to know the story, just watch the GG play through since then at least it might be entertaining. The story is pretty shit.

Danganronpa 3 anime was such shit.
Fortunately V3 kinda ended the series on a high note.

My condolences user. Just play the games and get the fuck of this thread since you might get spoiled.