If There is a Hell, I'll See You There

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Humanity's infinite potential for fuck you.

Nice dubs hunterchad

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so the training is useless just throw a bomb at the ant lol

That would make great lyrics for a song, let me try

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Why would Netero go to hell?

>humans are so evil >:-)
s o i

Still mad after all that time

based retard

check these

He's not a good person. How can a guy who's buddy buddy with a fucking Assassin clan be a good person?
The point isn't that humans are evil, the point is that Meruem's myopic utopian retardation would have never worked, especially if he was King.

humans ARE evil, the problem is when it is presented as a flaw

Humans are the only intelligent beings in reality, so you would have to think the concept of evil doesn't exist if you can't even apply it to humans.

>the humans were the bad guys all along
can't believe Any Forums tricked me into watching this shit

The point was ants were mostly beasts, that they did not yet have the capacity to choose between good and evil to truly be evil. By the time Meruem died, the ants are reclassified as a protected species and the survivors are choosing their own paths. Could they someday choose evil? Yes, but it was clear they still had a way to go.

*stands up*
*shouts KINO at the top of my lungs*
*sits back down and continues to browse Any Forums emotionlessly*

This shit right here redeemed any bad parts of 2011, holy fucking kino

>t. lacks basic reading comprehension

>ow can a guy who's buddy buddy with a fucking Assassin clan be a good person?
By doing good deeds and shit depite being best friend with an assassin?

I understand Chimera Ants Arc & Chimera Ants in general.

Back in his youth he was literally going to slaughter an entire dojo simply to prove his strength. Also whatever good the Hunter association brings is significantly outweighed by the fact that sadists like Hisoka are allowed to run amok and do as they like free of consequence.

Netero never saw the gates for sure.

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Yeah he was kinda retarded.