Did anyone else find this scene inspiring as fuck?

Did anyone else find this scene inspiring as fuck?

Up until this point, hatred has driven a dagger through the hearts of every Paradisian on the island. The rumbling had been awoken and millions of colossal titans had started to march to cause the greatest mass slaughter in the history of Humanity, all in the name of extreme Eldian racism and ignorance, led by the almost omnipotent a Eren Yeager.

The terrorist organisation refered to as the Yeagerists control the entire island and have implemented a totalitarian ideology, executing dissidents in public and marking any attempt to combat the regime with a shot to the head.

The people cheered all this on, the hope of peace and equality vanishing.... but then.....


That is Connie’s answer to Eren and to the Yeagerists and their reckless hatred. He sees a better future, a future of love and peace, and will fight to protect it, even when his society supports evil.

Everyone should take note of this scene, especially those living under violent regimes bent on war (cough cough, Russia)

For all those people and everyone. Connie says this...

It’s time.... To Save the World

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>The terrorist organisation refered to as the Yeagerists
kill yourself kike

>The terrorist organisation refered to as the Yeagerists
You mean the legitimate government who got rid of soft peaceloving traitors?

>peaceloving traitors

That's a lot of Reddit spacing. Too bad I'm not going to read it.

Umi da

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Well, Looks WAYYYYYYY less uncunny than in the manga.
Good job, Mappa.

Imagine siding with the people who want to eradicate your people. Eren was 100% correct fuck em

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Looks like shit, bunch of has-been who can't stop when it's time to, they will "save the world" by destroying it.


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It was cringe in the manga and it was cringe here.

Eren shod have flattened 100% of the lands outside paradis. Fuck the enemy.

t cuck

The 104th are the epitome of white cucks. Just like the self-hating libs who side with shitskins who want them and their race wiped off the face of the earth.

alliance GODS i kneel...

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Conny is one of the best pts characters. God tier development, huge kill count, lives to reunite with this mother.

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I hope none of you actually fell for this bait post, kek.

>lives to reunite with his mother
Erencucks on suicide watch

that's after connie dies. that's like you telling me to cry about future victims of wwiii. hasn't happened from my pov.

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god Connie and Jean were such chads this episode