Is hxh the literally actually unironically best manga ever made?

is hxh the literally actually unironically best manga ever made?

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Its hard to tell if its just the Hunter tards are these broken or the hunter haters are jus tthis obessed

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I'd say no

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No. It's a lazy overrated piece of mediocrity.

No it's the worst.

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The chimera ant arc is one of the most bloated, terribly paced, needlessly convoluted and boring piece of shit I have had to experience.

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>le many lines post
he literally just wrote something hxh has and then said it's bad, without proving it, no examples no nothing, i didn't expect much from a fatefag but using this image to support your point is sad

>something hxh has and then said it's bad, without proving it, no examples no nothing
What are you referring to exactly?

You tell me little ant


Dragon Ball (after the optional non canon gagshit and Z starts) is.

>characters bad because they are bad (how??)
>worldbuilding bad because it is bad (how??)
>nen bad copies ki (where??)
>phantom bad becuas not interesting (why??)
if you think dropping "autistic" and "shit" to fill space makes your point more valid i have nothing more to say

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>autistic hiatustard is too used to reading shit

>>characters bad because they are bad (how??)
Because they're one dimensional and stay the same throughout the series. Hisoka for example. Gon too. Killua is not even a character he has nothing going on for him and Kurapika is the typical revenge trope.

>>worldbuilding bad because it is bad (how??)
If you can't understand why HxH worldbuilding is utter garbage then I don't know what to tell you. But for reference, see Naruto if you want to know what good worldbuilding looks like.

>>nen bad copies ki (where??)
Nen is not as complex as you think. It's the same aura system used in every shounenshit except it's expanded on or that's what the writer wants you to think because it's not. Most fights are what you'd expect in your typical shounenshit involving vows/powerups/asspulls etc, fatefag already said this.

>>phantom bad becuas not interesting (why??)
Phantom troupe is literally Chrollo. That's it.
Everyone else is so irrelevant and there are two proofs supporting this; one is two of them literally die off screen against Hisoka, if this doesn't show how much of an irrelevant plot device they are then I don't know what will. Second is the fact that they're all going to die (including Chrollo) against Hisoka presumably, but the manga is never going to get finished and Togashi is dead so you can dismiss this.

More like the worst manga never finished

You can't say it's THE best manga because there are a lot of genres out there that can't compare to one another.
You can't compare HxH to a SOL or a romcom; it's apples to oranges.
But Hunter x Hunter is the best battle manga, that's for sure.

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>they're one dimensional and stay the same throughout the series
>gon chimera arc realizing how weak he is
>kurapika mental breakdown in yorkshin
also why being one dimensional is bad? hisoka is perfectly fine, doesn't need to become the good guy or what else, do you think that would add more value to him? maybe a backstory would be interesting but changing a character trait because "muh dimensions" is not a great metric to judge how good something is

>If you can't understand why HxH worldbuilding is utter garbage then I don't know what to tell you. But for reference, see Naruto if you want to know what good worldbuilding looks like.
if you can't point anything don't bother writing

>Nen is not as complex as you think...
doesn't need to be revolutionary, everything depends on how it is used, the main character finding his dad isn't a new idea, having antagonists is an idea back from ancient greece, so what? now manga with antagonists are bad? i don't think so, alchemy is an old idea, but that doesn't mean fullmetal alchemist power system is bad
also it's true that uses the idea of aura, but it then explain why something is possible, the fact that you can shoot aura from your hands it's not a new idea, but you get an explanation for that, you get an explanation on why not everyone is able to do it

>Most fights are what you'd expect in your typical shounenshit involving vows/powerups/asspulls
if you can't point anything don't bother writing

>one is two of them literally die off screen against Hisoka
and? see, if you can't explain why it is bad don't bother writing

>Second is the fact that they're all going to die

Maybe I'll tell you once it's finished.

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shut up pitoufag

No. Next question.

What's your favorite anime?

>1189 days

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