Smokes marijuana

>smokes marijuana
>gets blacklisted from scoring animes forever

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wish western music industry was this based

potheads are so annoying


Which Bogdanoff is this?

Good, fuck weedtards

One marijuana? deserved.



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>get blackout drunk
no problem
>smoke a joint

>possesses CP videos
>pays a fine and goes back to his work
But yeah smoking marijuana costs you the entire career, what a disgrace!

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Good, weed is lame. If you want to be a cool guy, sniff cocaine.

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Yeah a victimless crime has a less harsh punishment.

>STILL no one has any idea where he is
>not a single article on his release
did they hang him or something

The one who's still the best composer of anime industry after ten years in jail

Aren't you required to wear a pastel coloured tracksuit and a big gold chain to be this rad?

Yeah I'm sure those children were glad to be molested and their abusers being financially supported by an audience, one being Watsuki

Serves him right. Don't violate the law, or pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.

You clearly have no idea what content you're talking about.

What's with his stolen goods?

I do. It's you who seem to be out of touch with reality.
He was saved only because those CDs were bought before 2015, the year in which the law against possession of CP was introduced. Still, he deserved to be publicly blacklisted and JUMP should have fired him. He even admitted to be attracted to sixth graders, and he has a daughter of that age.

Should have done opioid pills instead, less noticeable.

OP here, so did they literally kill this guy for smoking weed or what?
ive been checking since i made this thread and theres not a shred of this guy existing since being arrested

what work?

How does him smoking marijuana hurt anyone? Who's the victim? It's literally a million times less harmful than alcohol

>smokes weed
>creates one of the most influential albums in heavy metal and music.

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