Which authors will you not forgive, and why

Which authors will you not forgive, and why

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you know why

I just move on and forget.
Manga aren't girlfriends.

This piece of shit, for all of super

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Hiro Mashima for mishandling my favorite characters


The real life anime mary sue

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Araki for ruining jojolion

Kazu Kakazu because of the ending of our blood oath, fuck peace and fuck forgiveness the villian put that girl through hell she should have caved his skull in right there

Who the fuck is that?

I'll never forgive Miura for dying, after we joked about it for a decade.

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Fucking Kenji Tsuruta is doing a sequel to La Pomme Prisonnière instead of finishing Wandering Island.

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Nasu because of pic related

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Hori for taking a perfectly good idea and then applying Murphy's law to the max.


Akamatsu for killing his best series and then shitting on its corpse for the next nine years.

Did he even write any of it or are they just using his name?

Anyone who wrote any Eureka Seven material after the original series.
I don’t know if it’s one guy, a group of people, I don’t care whoever they are needs to stop, and die.

Isayama probably pulled the greatest betrayal ever among any mangaka. SnK's ending is just unforgivable. Leaving a work unfinished, like Togashi seems to be doing, is not as bad as butchering it utterly and thoroughly as that, an author is still a human being if they don't want to draw anymore that's their choice.

Takafumi Nanatsuki
The woman that wrote Shingeki no Bahamut S2. KAISAR WAS DONE DIRTY