Why are there barely any traps in CGDCT...

Why are there barely any traps in CGDCT? Would replacing one of the girls really have that much of an effect on the story? You could even make him gay to appease purityfags/yurifags.

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traps are icky


>Looks like a woman but has le dick! So funny!
Literal reddit tranny humor

Sometimes it takes a man to become best girl.

Hiro from Hidamari Sketch was apparently originally going to be a crossdressing guy.

We need a new genre called "Cute Guys Dating Cute Traps."

I was afraid that trannies had infected yuri and CGDCT-threads, like they do with literally everything else.
But CGDCT, you're aight.

It would throw off the perfectly balanced energy that CGDCT has, I'll explain more once my dissertation is complete.

kill yourself faggot scum

Best Asobe

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Males are not females, and you will never be a woman.

Can you not fucking read?

Traps are not girls, they will never be women, and all trannies should hang.

OP already said that traps are guys. He literally called them dudes. You must be fucking retarded.

And do you know what CGDCT means? Cute GIRLS doing cute things. Hence, trannies don't get included and OP (and you) is a stupid subhuman.

Traps are trannis in the making, it makes me fucking embarassed knowing that so many "men" are into trannies, what the fuck went wrong with humanity.

CGDCTs can have male characters.

Attached: 1606417725256.png (1920x1080, 3.81M)

What is cdgct?

Fund it

There's no difference between a cute girl and a trap except the trap's entire personality is "im a trap ecks DEE".

Cute girls doing cute things

Nobody watches CGDCT for them though, no point going out of your way to put in a tranny.