What's Any Forums think of Shoujo Ramune?

What's Any Forums think of Shoujo Ramune?

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Only two great scenes in the entire series. The rest are ok to great by lowest common denominator anime standards.

the game is great the anime was meehh!!

I'd rather if you didn't sexualize children you coomer

Only one or two good scenes. Everything else is the same as any other eroanime. Overall forgettable and you can find better hentai elsewhere.

Okay enough anime, worth a rewatch.
Might do that later tonight.

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The bikini scene and the one with the loli in front was great. The autistic lesbian was garbage.

You need to go back.

Waiting for a good loli hentai adaptation

They truly raised the bar, H studios should follow suit and animate more loli material.

Anime isn't lewd anymore

h-anime peaked with BB desu. Some few (less than 5) have had quality, but they're all so bad.


is this good?

pedophilia is wrong

naahh is low quality either quality or animation.
i really like the idea but thinking other studios made better stuff with lolis and hundred times more hot make me wonder if mary jane was even trying.

My lawyer told me to not answer to this question.

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if nature didn't want us to fuck kids below the age of 18 it wouldn't give them the ability to breed at the age of 12.

I cant self insert if the guy isnt naked aswell during sex. I wouldnt disrespect the girl that much, zipper sex is a horrible idea and i wish it would go away

didn't someone breed at age 4? how low are you going to go?

paedo is (You)r incorrect buzzword. Expand your diction whilst I expand my dick , chud.

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It's alright, I hardly ever watch H-anime though, it's almost never very good

That's an extreme outlier.