Mushoku Tensei

Why does Mushoku Tensei keep getting new threads so long after the anime has stopped airing, while for most series (be it anime or manga) it fizzles out within weeks.
The anime is over (for now), the WN is over, the LN is close to being over, and the sequel is nowhere in sight for the time.
Not hating or anything, I love MT but one may say "what keeps the hype?"

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You literally just made another one, dumbass

Maybe because it's actually good. Have you ever think of that?

because it only recently got an anime? It's not rocket science OP, the girls are just hot

Go read the scanlation of the third chapter in the depressed mage arc.

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miggers and allies

now what

Literally the only good Iseaki.

Miggers are cute, that's all that matters

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I'm only here for the shitshow between Eris-fags and retarded Eris haters. Without those retards these threads seem dull.


Then read volume 7 of the light novel.

no one loves me, I guess it's time to take blue-mother's advice and go look for a man in a dungeon.

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can be pretty simply chalked up to there not being a much better space for discussing the wn/lns. and the migger posting. god i love perugius

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Cute migger.

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because we have things to talk about it


Does Eris learns how much she fuck Rudeus life with her letter ? or at least that he almost killed himself ?

Should I just skip vol 14 of the wn? This is pain


Anyone missing from my >to rape list ?

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Soldat reveals it to her and she then storms off, Rudeus goes to her and she says "I've done something terrible to Rudeus", Rudues says that its all cool and she promises never to leave again.
Thats all she ever really did about that issue, and it was super lackluster considering the entire depressed magician arc, and a good portion of the school arc was dedicated to how badly Rudeus is fucked over by her. Eris def should've at least suffered 24 hours of the same level of depression that Rudeus went through before they make up.

Are you that user that was reading WN Vol.13 like 2 days ago? If you really can't tolerate comfy SoL then just skip to the latter part of Vol.13 so you get some context on what Banana is doing and go for Vol.15