Why doesn't Zenigata just rape Lupin?

Why doesn't Zenigata just rape Lupin?

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He’s not a homo

Why was Zenigata not demoted?

Just because it worked with the Joker doesn't mean it will work on every criminal.


He was in one of the specials/OVAs, he is broke and depressed, aimlessly wandering around
I can't remember which one, it was late 80s or early 90s

Zenigata manages to have an extremely impressive takedown record of criminals of all stripes and patterns globally. It's just Lupin's crew that has perpetually evaded him and permanent capture.

He writes excellent reports and has a lot of evidence to back up their validity. How are you supposed to demote a guy when lupin escapes 15 sets of handcuffs, leapt to an airborne biplane, then balanced on the wing for a solid 10 minutes while he fought both him and his gang.

Let's not forget that Lupin and Zenigata are both incredibly great at what they do and determined to follow through on accomplishing their goals. They're not so different.

>first half of part 6 has a pretty mediocre arc and mostly alright episodic stuff
>second half has a top tier story arc and top tier episodic stuff

Sometimes people just need time to figure out what works and what doesn't. Trial and error is nothing new.

he's a fascist chud

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He’s successfully captured Lupin multiple times, easily more than anyone else. Fucker keeps escaping though

but the difference is staggering
also didn't they prepare most of the episodes before staring with the airing of the anime?
by the way, how would you rate the episodes of part 6 so far (a short summary would be great, or singling out your favorites)?

I've only seen a little bit of Part 6 so far, I haven't even finished Part 5 yet.

What if Lupin was a Jew and Zenigata was a Gestapo officer lmao

part 5 is excellent, but i like the episodic format more so it's actually one of my least favorite parts

Reminder that Zenigata canonically fucks. And of all people to fuck he fucked Fujiko. Why is this specific spin off so fucking edgy and cringe. It feels like a 15 year old who wanted Lupin III to be more edgy wrote it.

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I've never seen somebody say this about The Woman Named Fujiko Mine.

I liked it. It was different. It's not a bad show to watch as a starting point for getting into Lupin. But I can see why Lupin fans might not like it.

How would you handle a Lupin prequel?

In the Fuma Conspiracy he retired to life as a monk after Lupin had apparently died.

I liked Mine Fujiko a lot, it was very different to the shit we'd seen before. It definitely has it's ups and downs, but I think for the series to stay fresh it should try to do more things like this, especially after series 6 being such a wet fart.

Ill admit I just started it, so im giving it a little time before I outright condemn it. But im 5 episodes in and it just feels really pretentious.

>How would you handle a Lupin prequel?
Like you mean one based on his predecessor? Or one based on Lupin in his early years? I definitely wouldnt mind seeing a Lupin prequel where he learns the ins and outs of stealing, and all that. Frankly im way more into the idea of a Jigen prequel.

It's not gay if you're the one fucking.