Is Rent-a-Girlfreind officially the worst ongoing romcom manga?

Is Rent-a-Girlfreind officially the worst ongoing romcom manga?

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Also Ruka a best
Whorezuru a shit

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No doubt.

That guy looks like a cuck in the anime

How is it even considered a "romcom"? There has been no romantic development at all between anyone for over 200 chapters and its not funny (except for 218). Its just a ntr/paypig humiliation fetish manga for sado masochist cucks

So what about the other series from the same author?
Did that incest manga came out yet?

how are we defining "worst" though?

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bro what the fuck is wrong with his ass lmao

No because it's actually a high iq deconstruction of romcoms.

>How is it even considered a "romcom"? There has been no romantic development at all between anyone for over 200 chapters and its not funny
So basically a rom com

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Do you seriously ask this when Komi and Kaguya exist?

How did this get 200 chapters anyway?

God AT is fun as hell

What is the main selling point of this manga?

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Soft NTR.

Cute girls, that is it.

This sequence has made me more interested in it than anything else prior.

Non non

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It's a page turner with pretty good art

Is it? Pierre is the only thing I laughed at.

It was even before this chapter.

Taking one long chinese water torture style dump on your face and sticking a figurine of related waifu on top of it.

where would yujiro be in this?

To love ru is funny.

Please explain to the class the funny jokes in love ru ranging from Rito tripping face first into oppai and saying gomen to tripping into yami's muff for the fifth time in the episode and being chased by her weaponized hair as he screams gomen.

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