Remember when every hipster loved this manga and then the anime came out and everyone realized it was shit all along...

Remember when every hipster loved this manga and then the anime came out and everyone realized it was shit all along? lol

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apples to oranges, just like you have sex but only get butt raped instead of fucking

underage thread


I only remember everyone loving this manga

OP appears to be experiencing memories of things that never happened. I prescribe a course of anti-psychotics

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anime was shit for not having BIG FAT NIKAIDO MILKERS

what the fuck are you even talking about?

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so just you


It really wasn't that good. I put off starting it for years and when I did it was some mediocre shonenshit.

Anime is shit because shit artisti freedom, plot and character changed, cgi and shit art style.

Correct on all accounts BUT the OP and EDs were fucking fantastic. Easily the best part of the show.

I mean the same could be said for berserk 2016. That doesn't make an adaptation good?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Thread is full of coping dorohedero fans


All manga is very bad, you just won’t hear about it until they get an anime

>the thread didn't go the way i wanted they must be coping

I'm goiung to pour smelting hot iron in your eyes in the evening

Dorohedoro peaked half middle, when they slowly descend into Kaiman's identity, Anime doesnt cover that up.
Seems like you're the hipster user.
I bet you're anime only watcher too.

why do we have to cope.

the manga is one of a kind