Hey user, you spent Valentine's alone. That's pretty pathetic

Hey user, you spent Valentine's alone. That's pretty pathetic.

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N-no I didn't, I spent it with Lillie and Rachel


Did you know I'm not someone to forgive lying?

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I was with my imouto. Though the fact we ended up hanging out on valentines was a complete accident and no incest is happening between us.

I walked my dogs and was with my parents, so yeah...

Oddly specific denial.

If I'm alone then why did you meet me?

To get green tea, of course.

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Tell us more, user

It's in the fridge.

what can I say, war is heck

thats what u think user

i had a pretty good day today

I felt like I had to qualify that statement because of anons that are actually lusting after their sisters showing up in the threads, but it might have drawn unnecessary attention.

We just got some food and played videogames. Also cuddled for a bit in a wholesome sibling fashion

I'm sorry, you're right I was alone. what are you going to do? Will you forgive me?

You may lose one testicle for lying, but don't worry, you'll still have the other one!

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Please, I'll do anything just not that desu, that's a bit harsh. I will literally do anything else to make up for lying, please?

I'll forgive you if you drink green tea.

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It's so comfy to be alone, I buy chocolate for myself and I don't have to share it

Thank you, I will, as much as you want me to. I promise to do better, I'll try not to lie.

I'll let you escape with your balls just this once.

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