Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight

Did you understand?

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I thought I did, but the movie threads are full of DEEPfags and now I don't know anymore.

That's part and parcel for Utena-ish things. I think the meaning is fairly easy to take away, all things considered. Furukawa, I believe, based off of the interviews I've read, wants the audience to connect to the story. Not that you can't read into things a lot, because you can, but the main messages are clear.


After Blue Reflection Ray I didn't think anything else could do it for me, but I think the Movie was really the best thing to come out of 2021.

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On a scale of 1-10, how /u/ is this?

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20/10. It would've been less gay to have Claudine eat Maya out on screen.

No, I'm too autistic to understand anything that isn't math. At least the music was really good.

>Claudine eat Maya out on screen.
No. It plays more into the themes to have Claudine overpower Maya and make Maya eat her out.

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It's called topping from the bottom.

Is that really a power a bottom can learn?

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If she tries hard enough.

Best line in the movie

the good thing about series/movies like revue is that surface level enjoyment, and deep-level analysis is an equally valid way to enjoy the show.

I'm leaning towards deliberate deepfagging though, given how much Furukawa's referenced other movies and even artpieces

an user pointed out a few threads ago that maya and claudine felt more like a yaoi rival couple than a /u/ one, and now I can't get that mindset out of my head whenever I do a rewatch

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I think it's not a deep series, as in it's themes are basic and they're not explored to any great length, it just obscures its themes a lot. That's why you get all the analysing and stuff. This isn't a criticism to say it's not deep though, I think there is great value in obscuring meanings in art even if they are straightforward enough. I just think people tend to see people reading into symbolism and immediately think somethings "deep", when it really doesn't have to be.

Is this an edit or a doujin?

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As the person who posted it, I'd genuinely like to know the answer myself.

I agree that the themes itself, for both the overaching plot and the character motivations isn't particularly complex, but I think that having to delve more than two layers deep to get a chunk of the meaning behind scenes and character motivations, specially when Nana is involved, is deep enough compared to most anime that it's worth point out.

Helps that the girls are cute too

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No, every time the giraffe said that, i literally thought to myself, "what?". When i browsed the few threads after the movie got subbed and learned that he's literally me, i feel even more stupid.

Yea I get what you're saying, it just comes down to what we consider depth, which we disagree on a bit. But "depth" on its own is kinda vague so I don't have any problem with people calling starlight deep, because I know they mean depth in presentation; the obscuring of meaning in the series