
pls cry

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Well yeah, Muzan mostly seems to recruit desperate people into becoming demons.
I never knew why villians having back-story is a bad thing, almost all media does it.
Hell, even Sauron from Lord of the Rings wasn't always evil.

It isn't a bad thing. People just like to be cool and edgy by pretending they are too mature to feel sad for fictional characters

naruto was pretty annoying with this too. Shonen in general really

This meme make no sense and show the person who made this never watch or read the series. Tanjirou never learn those demons backstory, he however recognize the tragedy of their existence and the humanity that was lost.

It is pretty stupid to make you care about a character and give them depth only in the final moments before they disappear from the story.

>Mushoku Tensei has a biological 13 year old boy hook up with a 15 year old girl and all of Tw/a/tter seethe cry and piss about it. so much so they stifled the show for the anime awards
>Kimetsu no Yaiba promotes child prostitutions as a good thing you tw/a/tter fags praise to kingdom come

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I will cry for you since you already made this thread a few minutes ago

But it doesn't show it as a good thing. Watch the actual show. Mushoku Tensei is a pedo coomer fantasy

This. It'd be nice to learn about those characters before or while we're fighting them, to give things more weight. The spider-dude's fake sister was great because we saw the situation from her perspective right away. Even better, they still called her out on her crimes.

>we saw the situation from her perspective right away
So you want the backstories two seconds before they die, not while they are dying and go to hell?


Cast them

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We saw it before that. They built up her being afraid of her brother the second they meet, and we saw him mistreat her and his family. We saw how the brother tried to get Nezuko and saw the girls as interchangeable. We didn't get the backstory until much later, but by then it was already spelled out.

The point of the backstory isn't to suddenly characterize characters, they have plenty of that before they even die. The point is to conclude their arc, have them reflect on their life and put the details we see so far in perspective.

They don't really need conclusions to their arcs, and sometimes they don't even conclude their arcs. Whatever emotional impact we get is lost because some of them just come out of nowhere, so how are we even supposed to take it?

I get wanting to show Muzan catching people at their lowest and preying on them. I get wanting perspective. But they would have made the characters a lot more interesting if we got them beforehand, and it would give their actions more weight as we see them.

Cool twitter meme

>Whatever emotional impact we get is lost because some of them just come out of nowhere, so how are we even supposed to take it?
If you aren't a braindead retard you'd be able to understand their backstory without needing to be spoon fed. Like gyotaro being born sickly because he has sickle cell anemia. Or akaza being a criminal before becoming a demon.

Or the fact the spider demon was obsessed with the connection he had with others is, surprise, cause he had tragic shit happen in the past

The backstory as their humanity returns reaffirms everything being eluded to. Not our fault youre too retarded to see it

with so much romcom and Iseka genre going out this past decade, it's been a while since I seen so much action pack with really good touching/emotional scene on an anime.
last time I got immerse on an anime like this is Code Geass and FMA

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great facebook maymay you stupid fuck