Working hard?

working hard?

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Or hardly working?


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Needs a BD.

Like my swimming?

That early 1990s artstyle is so ugly. Especially that big fucking big puffy hair that's a remnant of the 1980s.

You must be one of those homosexuals I have read so much about.

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Working on my hard-on

needs a fanbase that isn't a bunch of boomers that have free time anymore lost it's funny

>being this kind of faggot

is english your first language?

thanks for the bump lolololololol

Kys faggot

>They will never adapt the other 7 volumes of the manga
>They will never adapt The Last Man and Dead Man, which are even worse than GB regarding author's fetishes

I will literally sneak into your House and kill you

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I feel like a 17th century noble listening to a peasant describing his taste

Have you guys read the manga? After the arc that the anime covers, it goes into an incredibly long as fuck bizarre and boring arc. Completely different.

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I would not say boring but it starts to take itself too seriously and honestly Egawa should have got laid more, reading entire pages of a supposed sex driven cult where people do a 180 if they reach the climax is simply unbelievable.
But other arcs like Kintaro being a bass player of a X Japan-like band could have been a nice add for the anime.

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don't remind me of this shit and its horrible last chapters
its so bad