
Someone translate this manga already

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Looks interesting

be a man and translate it yourself

I would if I could. I can't read asian

Nah, there's no plot.

Only fanservice.

and thats a GOOD thing

But there is a plot

Explain the plot and if find it interesting i might

The MC Is a beta boy who wants to stop being introverted He meets a girl in his class who wants the same thing they both try to be extroverted together

>only fanservie
There literally only two chapters with fanservice user.

You can read chinese?

I can read spanish and the manga is up to date in spanish.

Fan TL or official?

Fan TL of course

If you don't mind can you give me a quick run down on whats been happening in it? The only chapter translated into English is #1

Well they've had their "battles" and development is slow but steady, later on the little sister of the FMC was introduced (purple girl from OP's pic) and she also joined some of their battles because she's socially inept too. Personally I really like the dialogue and how the MC steps up when he needs to despite being a wimp. In the most recent chapter they decided to go to the beach because "it's what extroverts do" and is basically a fanservice chapter (the second one).

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man I want to read this manga I hope someone picks it up. Thanks for the details user
>little sister
How much younger?

>How much younger?
1 year younger.

>Someone translate this manga already
I don't TL for free anymore. Once I learned localization companies would actually pay me, I stopped doing free shit.
you want your comic-of-the-week translated? $900 minimum.
Too expensive for your broke ass? Guess you don't really want it translated.

900 a week? A month?

for whatever chapters are currently out.

E-mail me. Let's talk