Bakemonogatari Manga Translation Dump: Chapter #156 & #157

Didn't post last week, so I'm bundling #156 & #157 together. Like always, if I go a long while without posting between pages, I didn't abandon the dump, it's just my pass acting up.

Archived Chapter List:
Chapter #155:
Chapter #154: Chapter #143: Chapters #141 & #142: (Notable Ch. 141 Correction: 酷いこと言うなぁ… should've been translated moreso like, “You say some pretty cruel things...”, not “Don't say such cruel thiiings...”)

Dumping cat pages.

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Chapter 156 Start

>I love you, nyan.*(お前のことが好きにゃんだにゃん。)
>love Araragi-kun.**(阿良々木くんのことが大好きだよ)

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Dang, forgot my TL Notes:

*TL Note: She says “suki”.
**TL Note: She says “daisuki”.

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And I accidentally posted a page. Sorry for anyone reading.

Pg. 2&3 TL:
>I love you, *(愛してるんだ)
>Would you be willing to go out with me, with the expectation of eventual marriage?(結婚を前提に私と付き合ってくれないかな。)

*TL Note: This time, she says “aishiteru.”

>That’s not-!(違ッ)
>It’s reversed-!(逆ッ)
>I was actually trying to say what I thought in my mind, just now…!(心で思った方言おうとしたのにっ…)
>And I ended up-(つい)
>adding a “nyan” at the-…!(“にゃん”つけちゃっ…)
>We-...well, considering it’s me we’re talking about, I’d say I persevered a good amount, all things considered...(ま…まぁ、私にしては頑張ったということで…)
>---on another note,(ーーーっていうか)
>Now that I’ve returned to my “natural self”, this attire...(“素”に戻ったらこの格好…)
>might be even more embarrassing than if I was completely naked.(むしろすっぽんぽんより恥ずかしいかも)
>which is why-(だから)

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>If you become lovers with me-…...(お前がわた……)
>with my myaster.(ご主人、と。)
>Then I think I’ll be able to withdraw, though---…(恋仲ににゃってくれりゃあ俺は引っ込むことができると思うんだがーーー…)
>What’s up with that?(なんだそりゃあ?)
>Even I can’t play the straight-man to every single set-up thrown my way, you know.(僕だってすべてのボケに突っ込めるってわけじゃないだぞ)

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>It’s the truth---Which is why the “cat” showed up.(本当だからーーー”猫”が出てきたにゃ)
>That in itself---was the stress.(それこそがーーーストレスだったんだにゃん。)
>Myaster loves you, and yet-(ご主人はお前のこと好きにゃのに)
>You’re going out with a different woman---and flaunting about it.(お前は別の女と付き合ってーーーそれを見せつけている。)
>Nono-!---I mean,(いやいやっーーーだって)
>That Hanekawa…… really liked….someone like me-!?(あの羽川がっ……僕なんかのことをっ……本当にっ)
>---If that really is the case,(ーーー本当にそうなのだとしたら。)

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>Then what horrible thing-(僕は羽川に)
>have I ended up doing to Hanekawa……?(なんてことをしてしまったんだ……)
>Headaches…...that’s right, Hanekawa definitely said-(頭痛……そうだ羽川はたしか)
>that she’s been having headaches since about one month ago.(1か月前ぐらいから頭痛がするって)
>And speaking of one month ago...---that…...was “Mother’s Day”.(1か月前といえば…ーーー”母の日”……だ。)
>The day that me and Senjougahara started going out, wasn’t it……?!!(僕と戦場ヶ原が付き合い出した日じゃないか……!!)

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>---And yet, Hanekawa…...even back then,(ーーーなのに羽川は……あの時も)
>she gave me advice-(僕と戦場ヶ原のことを)
>about me and Senjougahara.(相談にのってくれたり)
>---even back then,(ーーーあの時も)
>the truth might’ve been-(僕と戦場ヶ原が一緒にいるところを)
>that she had seen me and Senjougahara together, at some point.(本当はどこかで見ていたのかもれしないし)
*Zukin zukin/Throb throb*(ズキンッズキンッ)

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>----And that time too---…...(ーーーーあの時もーーー……)
>Go ahead.(どうぞ)

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>---eh-!? You shouldn’t be focusing on such prettily-put-together moments! There’s more that you should be remembering, right!!!?(ーーーッてそんなキレイな感じのとこじゃなくてもっと思い出すべきとこがあんだろがッ!!!)
>Like that time-! And that time-!! And that time-!!! And that time-!!!!(アレとかッ!アレとかッ!!アレとかッ!!!アレとかッ!!!!)

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Based user

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>Like that time, and that time-(アレとかアレとか)
>and that time, and th-…...(アレとかアレ……)
>I-…...I had thought that stuff-...(あ……アレは…)
>wa-...was just a Holy Mother blessing her ill-fated, unpopular friend with her compassion.(め…恵まれない非モテの友達に恵んてくれた聖母の慈愛なのかと)
>Does a friend like that even exist, nyan!!?(そんに友達いるかにゃん!!)

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What's the point?

There's just too many umbrellas. Are zombies going to start coming out?

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>My apologies...(すみませんでした…)
>If my head were cut off, stuffed into a toilet, and I were forced to dance the “Toilet-Man March”, I wouldn’t even have the right to complain...(頭切り落とされて便器の中に突っ込まれてヘンキマン音頭とか踊らされても文句言えないです……)
>Rather, having you do that to me would truly save my heart…!(むしろそうしていただいた方が心が助かります…!)
>No, I don’t even know what the “Toilet-Man March,” or whatever, is…...(いやベンキマン音頭とか知らにゃいし……)
>We-, well…(ま、まぁ…)
>Leaving that aside…...(それは置いておいて……)
>At any rate.(とにかく。)
>Even I did stuff like take off my panties in front of Araragi-kun.(私も私で阿良々木くんの前でパンツ脱いだりとか)
>Araragi-kun’s chastity might’ve been more in danger than mine.(危険だったのは寧ろ阿良々木くんの貞操の方だったかもしれないしね。)
>---Didn’t you think it was weird too, nyan!?(ーーーお前も、おかしいとは思わにゃかったのかにゃ!?)

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>If you think about it normally, there’s no way she’d choose a guy like you as her Vice-Committee Chairman, nyah.(普通ら考えてお前みたいにゃ奴を副委員長に選ぶわけにゃーにゃ。)
>That’s the very pinnacle of a nomination mistake, nyah.(人選ミスもいいところにゃ。)
>She wanted---to spend even a few moments longer with you.(お前とーーーすこしでも一緒にいたかったからだにゃん。)
>Those times-(あの時間が私の)
>were the times when I was the most happy, Araragi-kun.(一番の幸せだったんだよ阿良々木くん)
>Slowing piling up happinesses, one after the other---(ゆっくりと一つ一つ幸せを積み重ねてーーー)

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>But then, my love suddenly-(でも私の恋は突然)
>---comes to an end.(ーーー終わる。)
>Rather, that’s where it began.(むしろそこから始まった)
>But at this point, it’s already all too late, nyah.(今とにゃっちゃもう、後の祭りにゃ。)
>With lighting speed---(電光石火ーーー)
>A rival suddenly appeared, performed a preemptive attack, and decided the outcome with a single stroke.(突然ライバルの登場、先制攻撃、一気呵成で勝敗は一瞬で決まった。)

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>That’s right.(そう)
>Let’s go about this...more slowly.(もっと…ゆっくりいこう)
>…...and more assuredly.(……確実に)
>Bit-by-bit, my love[stress] built up.(一つ一つ恋[ストレス]積み重なっていったんだよ。)

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>---You can’t. If you plug your ears---then that’ll be no different to what you’ve been doing up, up until now.(ーーーだめ。耳を塞いでしまったらーーー今までと何も変わらない )
>came here to hear these very words, after all……!!(この言葉を聴くためにここに来たのだから……!!)

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>It’s fine, like this.(これでいい。)
>---My love,-(ーーー私の恋は)
>through this,-(これで)
>will finally-(ようやく)

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I swear to god if he's about to say "I love Emilia" I'm gonna pop a vein

>come to an e-…….(おわッ………)

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>And shameless.*(白々しい)
>My love[fight]-(私の恋[たたかい]は)
>---can’t manage-(ーーーどうやら)
>to find its end, just yet.(終われない。)

*TL Note: The word for “shameless” used the Kanji for “white(白)” twice.

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Chapter 157 END

Sorry for the big time gaps in pages posted, to whoever's reading. For some reason, my pass AND internet connection are acting up, today.

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>157 END
I meant 156 END. Damn, I'm really off my game today.

Chapter 157 Start

>And shamelessly-(白々しく)
>acting so pure.(無垢なふりをして。)
>move out of the way.(そこをどけ)

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>Posting images during a dump

>That’s right.(そう。)
>The honor-student.(優等生で)
>The Committee Chairman amongst committee chairmen.(委員長の中の委員長で)
>Kind to everyone.(誰にも優しく)
>Fair and equal.(公平で)
>I, who Araragi-kun had described before in such ways, was probably-.(かつて阿良々木くんがそう称していた私こそ。)
>”Hanekawa Tsubasa” was probably,-(“羽川翼”こそ”私”が作り出した)
>the first apparition that “I” had created.(最初の怪異、だったのでしょう。)

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>Move out of the way.(そこをどけ)
>I’ll burn you.(燃やす)
>I’ll burn you!(燃やすぞ)
>It’s all too late.(すべては手遅れだ。)
>You---are a hindrance.(お前はーーー邪魔だ)
>And---that “tiger”, which came after the “Sawari Neko” that I birthed, would be---...(そしてーーーその”虎”は私が生み出した”障り猫”に続くーーー…)
>the 3rd.(3匹目)

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those ain't images you moron

>What this fiercely blazing tiger-(この燃え盛る虎が)
>is so irritated about...(何をこんなにも苛つき)
>What it’s trying to burn up...(何を燃やそうとしているのか)
>Precisely because that tiger is ‘me’,(それが私であるからこそ)
>I was able to understand what those things were---right away.(私にはすぐにーーー理解できた。)

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