Who else is like this?

Who else is like this?

Attached: fdbhs.png (380x277, 13.22K)

Yeah nostalgia hits

name (one) 1

las bolas del dragon

Isn't that a Dunning-Kruger graph?

I drop around 40% of what I plan to watch so, not really. Also this clearly doesnt apply to SnK

Monogatari. Definitely shouldn't have marathoned it.

Attached: knjtu.png (1200x1041, 72.26K)

ok boomer
this what i had in mind i just didnt want to believe it.

For me it became mucb different. I'm mostly bored on the first episode of most anime but when the characters are established I begin to like it, mostly at around episode 4-6 sometimes as late as episode 10 when the series is longer.

we could optimize this by just making "Any Forums is full of faggots" a constant and skipping the two in the middle

here's your dunning-kruger graph

Attached: dunning.jpg (434x395, 22.02K)


when you score 75 and achieve true satisfaction

It is.

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Every action anime

this is what redditors wish it meant

Kara no Kyoukai.


The only thing Any Forums influenced me in terms of opinions was getting turned on by pregnant chicks, and even then, I needed auxiliary help from Any Forums

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