One Piece

Chapter 1040 was fucking terrible

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It was good though.

You mean fucking great, right?

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As opposed to the rest of the arc?

>t. big meme

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I'm a BM Pirates stan too, but this chapter was fine. After tanking the most powerful attacks from both Kid and Law, it took another tamate box ass pull to actually defeat Big Mom

OTama sex

qrd without spoiling too much?

t. Ace

And she is not even defeated. She is just out of the island for a while which is going to help Luffy A LOT.

Big Mom is kicked out of the island with a nuclear explosion.

>Bonney Fidel Castro
I miss that user

wtf kek

ZKK soon.

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ZKK never

No, soon.

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Wano Panel Time (909-1040)
>1. Luffy: 1257
>2. Zoro: 828
>3. Kaido: 672
>4. Kin'emon: 580
>5. Sanji: 493
>6. Linlin: 442
>7. Momo: 431
>8. Oden: 429
>9. Kiku: 420
>10. Queen: 376
>11. Yamato: 350
>12. Nami: 342
>13. Law: 337
>13. Kawamatsu: 337
>15. Tama: 306
>16. Kid: 274
>17. Orochi: 271
>18. Raizo: 268
>19. Usopp: 266
>20. Denjiro: 256
>21. Shinobu: 254
>21. Hyogoro: 254
>23. Hiyori: 251
>24. Robin: 247
>25. Franky: 244
>26. Chopper: 242
>27. Inu: 239
>28. King: 234
>29. Ashura: 231
>30. Kanjuro: 220
>31. Neko: 200
>32. Hawkins: 168
>33. Brook: 165
>34. Killer: 159
>35. Ulti: 143
>36. Marco: 137
>37. Jinbe: 132
>38. Izo: 123
>39. Drake: 119
>40. Yasu: 118
>41. Black Maria: 113
>42. Page One: 109
>43. Apoo: 106
>43. Toko: 106
>45. Sasaki: 104
>46. Onimaru: 98
>47. Who's Who: 92
>48. Toki: 91
>49. Carrot: 87
>50. Roger: 83

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The chapter is out, just read it retard.

Would it have killed Oda to have Brook be useful? His fruit was the natural counter to Big Mom's. He should have been more instrumental in taking down her homies, as well as the Pied Piper in disrupting Whole Cake Island. Also, not capturing Hera+Promethius into Kid's gun to power it up for the final shot? Wasted potential.

I love One Piece, but good riddance to this post-timeskip reliance on "punching harder and harder". How many times did Law say that "after this attack I'm out of stamina?". Two or three times before this chapter?

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What are the Wanze rumours?