I've seen so many people on the internet say this movie made them cry and I really just have to ask, why...

I've seen so many people on the internet say this movie made them cry and I really just have to ask, why? Like what scene was sad enough that it brought them to tears? On the whole the movie isn't really depressing or anything, everything works out for everyone, and most of the plot and characters feel so shallow that I don't see how you could get that big of a connection to anything.

Is it just the music that does it?

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Shinkai is modern Miyazaki, normalfags adore his mediocre movies because they're pretty.

I haven't cried to anything shown on a screen ever
maybe I'm just dysfunctional

I was I baited into watching this because I liked Weathering With You and anons said it had the same plot as Your Name. And then I found out I was lied to. I was fooled into watching genderbender tranny shit.

I've cried to other anime before but Your Name didn't really do much for me.

>I was fooled into watching genderbender tranny shit.
Did you actually finish the movie? Because the bodyswapping thing is really just the setup for the actual main conflict, the movie really isn't about that and basically speedruns that part of the plot.

The ending. Watch more anime.

Tears of bittersweet happiness, I am sorry you can only cry at forced melodrama bullshit like a silent voice.

But the ending is happy? The closest I came to crying in this movie was the part where he finds out the girl and her town all died 3 years ago and they show it getting destroyed. I guess I just wasn't invested enough in their relationship for the ending to have that kind of impact.

This movie is full of forced melodrama though

>But the ending is happy?
I'm saying it's why they cried, not that it's sad.
>I guess I just wasn't invested enough in their relationship for the ending to have that kind of impact.
Not their problem.

>Not their problem.
Who is "their"? If it's the film makers then it definitely is their problem since that's the crux of the movie. What a stupid response.

The film doesn't exist to appeal to you specifically.

Pavlov's dogs

OK, every movie ever made is fantastic then, doesn't matter if you thought of it because it doesn't exist to appeal to you. What a retarded response.

Did I say anything to that effect?
Your opinion on what is and is not the crux of the movie is not relevant to the movie itself. I'll even throw you a bone - the romance in the film is not well founded.

>Did I say anything to that effect?
You can discount any criticism of any movie by saying it "wasn't made to appeal to you." If you genuinely believe that then there is no point in discussing any piece of media.

>Your opinion on what is and is not the crux of the movie is not relevant to the movie itself.
I don't think it's my opinion that the relationship between the two is the most important facet of the movie, I think that's just a fact. The movie constantly goes back to the "connection" between the two, going so far as to even show it literally with the strings. Everything in the movie ties back to that relationship, which is the reason why I didn't cry at the ending whereas others apparently did.

>The movie constantly goes back to the "connection" between the two,
They're functionally internet friends until they lose contact (because she died)
>going so far as to even show it literally with the strings
The kumihimo is also a symbol of heritage (especially forgotten heritage), starting with the grandmother's spiel about Mayugoro while they were being made, reinforced by it's role as an umbilical cord during the shrine sequence.

Except the guy has no "heritage" relationship to the town. He only cares about it because of his connection to the girl. He literally travels through time in the end only because of his connection to the girl (by literally having her inside him with the spit sake). The most important part of the movie is that relationship, not heritage.

You see, in our modern world people are indoctrinated to believe everything is just plain matter, dust. The universal success of simple and straightforward metaphysics of Shinkai movies is a sign that people really crave for something more that that.

ITT retard gets pissy because he's too emotionally dysfunctional.

>Except the guy has no "heritage" relationship to the town.
Debatable considering he's post-Tohoku Tokyo's representative here, but we can assume you're correct and little changes since Mitsuha is the main character and there's nothing in the film to suggest it HAD to be Taki that was her partner.
>He only cares about it because of his connection to the girl.
The bit near the end where he talks about being obsessed with the disaster and tries to become an architect suggests otherwise, but whatever.
>The most important part of the movie is that relationship, not heritage.
The film is like 5+ different genres, why do you feel the need to restrict the ways it can be good to those of a mature romance? Even through that lens, there's a lot of value to be found if you treat it as a continuation of Shinkai's previous films.

>he can only cry at sad things
That's the real sad thing here.

>The bit near the end where he talks about being obsessed with the disaster and tries to become an architect suggests otherwise, but whatever.
I don't see how that suggests otherwise. I interpreted that as him just being so in love with the girl and so sad about her death that he wanted to make something so that people would remember her life like he does.
>The film is like 5+ different genres
Like what? I'm treating it as just a romance story because that's the only thing I was getting from it.
>Even through that lens, there's a lot of value to be found if you treat it as a continuation of Shinkai's previous films.
Never seen any of the guy's other films, I only watched this because it's the one that everybody keeps talking about.

So what parts of this movie made you cry then?

Not Any Forums but I always cry like a bitch in Tangled in the flying lanterns scene and during the final act. I also cry like a bitch in Christine when she is mourning her owner and playing forever my darling over Arnie's dead body. The only anime that I think made me cry was Nausicaa.