I'm sorry but what exactly did he do wrong? other than lose

I'm sorry but what exactly did he do wrong? other than lose

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He had a retarded plan which couldn't possibly work without the author hand waving it away because it wasn't actually relevant to the story.

This thread is about light, not L

His concept of justice is really childish and retarded. L was right on that on

>bites bait on TV
>confirms that he's a student by changing his killing pattern when the police suspect a student
>confirms that he's related to the Kira search group by using the police database
>kills FBI guys instead of acting like a normalfag and deflecting attention, confirming that he's in the intersection of a Venn diagram containing "students in Kanto", "people related to the cops in Kira search group" and "people currently investigated by agent Penbar"
>trusts Naomi to kill herself before she outs him to the police
>misses the opportunity to learn L's name because he gets scared when L says he told the police to believe Light is Kira, even though they have zero evidence
Oh I don't know? What could it be?

>killing people who are already in jail
Just read publicly available court records and kill the mobsters, corrupt officials, and shitty C-suite execs that keep getting away with it

>kills petty criminals, falsely convicted people, people pushed into crime by their material situation
>doesnt kill who mentioned

>kill only people reported by the (((media)))
>thinks this is ok and he totally won't get manipulated
he was a giant retard

he killed innocents along the way just to achieve his perfect world or cleansing the filth
he wants a perfect world but can't even do it perfectly without casualties? some god he turned out to be

>trusts Naomi to kill herself before she outs him to the police
She did though. He did a lot of mistakes, but the naomi situation he handled properly. He wrote that she doesn't think about anything else at all aside suicide before dying.
Also, you ommited his biggest mistake, deliberately joining the fucking investigation group instead of keeping a low profile.

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Went after petty criminals instead of bankers, politicians, etc

He wasn't as awesome as Dark

>the naomi situation he handled properly
Only because of plot armour. Naomi was said to be an experienced, decorated, professional ex-agent, someone who had worked with L personally. Someone who covered her tracks and saw through people. She would have never bought Light's bullshit story about recruiting her on L's behalf. With her credentials, she would have never given Light her real name until she met L in person, no matter how convincingly Light tried to bullshit his way into getting her name. But Mr. Plot demanded that the show didn't end there with Naomi calling out Light in public.

after reading his other works, you quickly realise this author is a hack and only the premise was good

He died like a little bitch

I don't remember how the anime framed it, but light is extremely brash and lets his pride get to his head.
He won a losing chess game against L by doing something so retarded that L just couldn't expect it.
He was evil from the moment he got the notebook. He decided that he knew what was right for the world and could fix it through enforcing draconian law and fear. He started to kill innocent bystandards as soon as his bottom line was in danger.
If you think light is a good guy you payed attention to nothing in the work.

>He was evil from the moment he got the notebook.
He created a world without crime. Light is a hero. Think about it, anyone else would have foregone the notebook out of fear, or used it for personal gain, but for him, it was a completely selfless task he took upon himself to set the world straight. How can you be against something like that?

user, she is a woman, she was grieving, and she was soaking her panties over Light.

>He won a losing chess game against L by doing something so retarded that L just couldn't expect it.
What was that? Giving himself up and suggesting himself to be put under quarantine?

>created a world without crime
>by letting the biggest criminals, the fucking organized world governement mafia, go away scot free and kill only the bottom level dregs of society
changing the world is a good thing but do it properly next time

While selflessness is a good trait. It matters what you do in an act of selflessness lmao.

I could also walk around and stab everyone who has red hair and call it an act of selflessness for some reason.

Justice is subjective, and not always right. Not to mention the criminals that probably became criminals due to the shortcomings of the system the society resides in, as in shitty educational system, encouraging drugabuse, parental abuse etc...

Criminals are not essentially evil... But Light assumes they are and believes ridding the world of them fixes the world. It doesn't. It'd reduce the crimerate, yeah, but the root cause of the problem would still continously produce criminals. Ofc there'd be fear at some point. But then again what you do is take these people away any way to fight for their own existence if their situation is caused by the system. Where do you draw th eline of justice? would you kill off a rebellion against the system? as in if people rise up agianst a govt and kill police in the protests. Would you justify killing the protesters?

Anyone else think it's pure kino how Light decides to go up against impossible odds with nothing but a magic notebook and raw intelligence? He knows that slipping up will cost him his life but pushes on anyway to build his perfect world, and almost wins. He's a really cool character.

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Thread makes a good point, he's not making a better world by more harshly punishing people that have already been jailed. Dude should have been killing people based on his own research into corruption or people untouchable by the law because of whatever means.

He's a shortsighted moron who thinks crime is caused by moral failings and not societal failings.