1. Open MSPaint

1. Open MSPaint.
2. Draw your waifu.
3. Post it.

Attached: 1639095910749.png (1094x1617, 119.31K)

Have fun.

Attached: collage_2021-12-08.png (1000x1658, 1.29M)

Attached: Chizuru Hishiro.png (547x647, 7.93K)

Attached: Magic Knight 2-9-22.png (1398x1000, 47.86K)

Mmm, chocolate.

Attached: chogolat.png (612x812, 25.87K)

not sure about this expression
added a background, im not sure if it works or if it makes the whole far too messy
very happy w/ the fade effect at the bottom tho

Attached: kagarin my beloved.png (256x256, 7.86K)

Great pixel art.

You did the same thing last time.


Attached: Untitled.png (1152x648, 1.16M)

Determined Sakaki!

Attached: sakaki paint 17.png (1240x3604, 70.05K)

next summer for sure

Attached: kama.png (696x454, 68.08K)

What's Mspaint?

Very nice use of brushes

Paint. A program you get for free in every Windows. A lot of people refer to it as Microsoft Paint or MS Paint.

fair enough, im not rly particularly talented tho so this style helps mask that a bit :^)
maybe ill try something different next time...


Attached: fluffy.png (525x449, 12.44K)

That's gorgeous, I love the colors and brushstrokes.

Great entries as well.

>Using Windows

Then use Gimp


>knew this was coming
>still not ready