Finish an anime

>finish an anime
>*immediately forget the name of the characters and the name of the show*
>'what anime did you watch user?'
>'oh you know that one where the girl blackmails a guy into being her boyfriend'

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How does a goldfish watch anime?

Humans have worse attention spans than goldfish do.

There's a secret fish tv service inside the filter. All aquariums have this.

>be fish
>have eyes
>be placed in front of screen showing anime
it's really not that hard.

I just can't remember Japanese names

I think it's because the names are so foreign that they just don't mean anything to your brain.

I have no trouble remembering Japanese or made-up fantasy names but as soon as I read Chinese names my brain just goes on standby mode.

literally me. i could not tell you a single thing that happened until we start watching.

Some people prefer to focus on details while others on the big picture

Lol just say you're autistic

Same for me with both korean and jap names because they reuse the same names so fucking much and because they're two parters. So you'll have like 6 guys in the same story introduced fairly quickly who are all like
>Chang something
In a japanese story you'd just have the something, and it'd differ for all of them.
Makes everyone feel very interchangable.

Humanoid cattle does. Human beings do not.

>'oh you know that one where the girl blackmails a guy into being her boyfriend'
what anime is this?

That's me all the time.
Grew up with the three big Jump shounens, so I remember most of them and got found of Naruto, Bleach and OP characters, but I could never repeat the same closeness I had with these characters with other series I think.
Today I watch short animes I struggle to remember most things.
Watched Tate no Yusha 2 years ago I don't even remember the name of the protagonist or most of what happened.

I guess its because being an adult you don't waste your time anymore with your friends discussing anime.
We would create lots of Naruto theories, so it helped me remember the series very well.

That's a fancy way of saying "My understanding of the last 6 hours of my life can be summed up in a single paragraph summary you'd read on the anime's wikipedia page."

The comedy about the gamer girl's daily walks to school and her friend and their other friend who's a nudist and the mangaka does a fuckton of porn.


I don't remember every single background character in every series I've watched, but I can't imagine having such a bad memory that I can't recall the names of main characters.

I can understand forgetting some character names, but how could you forget the show name? Was it super long or something?

sounds like you did not like it, or you binged it so quickly you did not give it time to process of what's happening.

Same here.
I think it's because we go for quantity.
Back in the day I watched long running shounen animes so remembering everything wasn't a problem.
Now I watch a lot of seasonal short animes and even if some are good they just all blend together into a blob.

Also, depression causes memory loss.