Ousama Ranking

Is this any good? I read very positive reviews on it but i cant help but feel its too kidsy

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>everything looks cool
>protag looks like shit and is a toodler

never ever gonna watch it

It is kidsy. But its kidsy in a pre-disney way that's refreshing.
If that doesn't float your boat then its just not for you and that's fine. You shouldn't force yourself to devour media that doesn't suit your tastes out of some misguided notion of nerd cred

I watched the first episode and while I liked it, I absolutely disposed the main character. I don't know why japs have to find the softest, whiniest, most cucked, toddlers and make them the main characters.

Especially when their softness has to be their weapon. Reminds me of Deku from mha. Couldn't watch that shit because of him. Or the MC in world end harem.

i really liked the first half a lot but the 2nd half so far something feels off with it.

i watched the first, episode. its quite nice, the art style is very soulful and the dialogue is light

cute king

if it aired in America it would definitely not air on a children's network, it is too violent. Remember that shit like Fist of The North Star was made for kids.
Boji is based

I kinda like everything but Bojji, he's too cutesey poo in animated form
I can take him in manga but the TLs aren't gonna catch up in 5 years

Watch it if
>you’re tired of the same animu look every popular show has
>you want something that isn’t isekai or high school-related
>you like weird MCs
>you like heart-warming stories about someone’s struggle to overcome
>you like studio WIT action and animation

I haven’t been disappointed and I’m over 10 episodes in.

>self-inserter is filtered

>>you want something that isn’t isekai or high school-related
It's native isekai.

>Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations is now isekai
Any Forums teaches me something new every day.

>its too kidsy
That's actually why I wanted to watch it

That’s just called fantasy

>user thinks every fantasy setting is ISEKAI

Jesus christ these self inserted retards really have brain damage

imagine getting filtered by an artstyle

The first half was great. The second half has been shit so far.

it's shounenshit with shock value violence (but only for nobodies or in flashbacks) that contrasts with the art style
it's better than your average seasonal isekai but not as good as the internet would have you believe

not the artstyle, its more like the main character and general feel of it

>Especially when their softness has to be their weapon.
No, his rapier with which he can split the bonds of atoms is his weapon.