Hates "goi"

>hates "goi"
>has huge hooked nose

Attached: EYwiM9rWAAAJvcX.jpg (1200x675, 120.05K)


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How would you describe this character?

yes, Magi was extremely based

I'm glad the edgy bitch won

Attached: 3lsvj9.jpg (819x507, 35.85K)

Only the chosen people can read that.

Magi is one of the few true 10/10's

This is not anti-Semitic because it's true.

This manga had a crazy ass ending

It was literally explicitly based off Israel, with fantasy Rome trying to annex it, only that fantasy China had used the powers of djinn vessels to replace fantasy Persia and fought over it.

One of the best jew character in media. Perfectly represent jews after six day's war.

Attached: Magi - Night 197 - 12.jpg (1067x1600, 420.57K)

Ohtaka took too many redpills during that era.

He's right .

It’s a blatant kike racist reference and it’s funny

t. Jew

Attached: Goi.png (1280x720, 611.14K)

Why are Americans so obsessed with jews?
Do they know that nobody on the fucking planet cares except for them?

Was the Anime not supposed to get a season 3?

Ok kike

Manga author changed the publisher a while ago and Sinbad spin-off was abruptly axed so I don't think so.

vaccine kike

>Do they know that nobody on the fucking planet cares except for them?
I'm all for shitting on burgers but hating on Jews isn't just an American thing. Just check out how many places ratted them out the moment they could.