See all these KnY webms

>See all these KnY webms
>All that budget put towards the most generic manga ever made and not a Berserk adaption

Such a shame.

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Shut you winning. Berserk is shit. It have one good arc and the rest just mediocre.

It doesn't even have to be Berserk, just any other adaption would deserve it over that generic shit. Surely you can think of something better.

not that user but. a Fire Punch adaptation with KnY budget for animation would be absolutely brain shattering. also, rurouni kenshin would be really good

Berserk it's literally unadaptable in all it's glory both the anime and the movie tried but had to cut stuff out.

Berserk's already had several adaptations. Adapt something that hasn't been adapted.

Conviction is every bit as good as Golden Age, if not better. Millennium Falcon is almost as good, like a 9/10 compared to a 10/10. Only Fantasia is mediocre, and even then it's still better than 90% of other manga. Cope.

>Berserk's already had several adaptations
one decent adaption of the first part of the manga from the 90s and a bunch of shit adaptions that rape your eyes. Berserk deserves to actually get a complete worthwhile adaption.

One decent adaptation is more than a lot of manga have gotten. Instead of making shit Berserk adaptations over and over and over again lets other series have a turn.

you niggers are almost as bad as muv-luv's fanbase, your shit is never ever going to get the ufotable animation it deserves, be happy with your fucking 1 good show or tongue asshole, faggots.

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Why can't Vagabond get UFOtable treatment? Why KnY?

how is berserk not generic shit
it's glorified shonen

Holy based

what berzerk niggers won't tell you is that the entire fucking show peaks in golden age, and japs will never draw like the 90s so the best possible anime has already released but they are bound and determined to get an even worse piece of shit than the new anime.

go away esl fag

I kept hearing about his good golden age was after nearly dropping it because it was so shit. So I kept reading and though it did get better, it was still shit. It's not better than 90%, it's part of the 90%. Now shut up and accept the fact that Miura is dead and that your shitty manga will soon fade into obscurity, while kimetsu will be immortalised as one of the biggest anime/manga of all time

>NOOO why are they spending all that money on fight scenes when they could animate my edgy self insert take the BBC??

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> Berserk
Berserk isn't a manga. West cuck fantasy. Get real.

>berserkfags disrespecting the great 97 adaptation, acting as it did exist

suck a dick fag

I don't like the animation of the webm, it's too much.

correct, it became shonen shortly after guts tried to rape caska
