Could write and draw a chapter of Dragon Ball in a day and a half

>could write and draw a chapter of Dragon Ball in a day and a half

I don't get how this is even possible. He would have to be capable of writing and drawing an entire page in just an hour or two. That's not counting revisions. How the fuck did he do it?

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Have you seen some of the DB chapters? At times the design is really simple and plain.
So it lay have happened on a few occasions, hence people saying "he could" do it.

He is simply that good.
Also, I'm pretty sure he had an assistant or two to help him out.

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He made namek and earth dull on purpose so he didn't have to make complicated backgrounds

wasn't he a mechanical engineer designer before making manga? Drawing Goku's face must be super easy after you draw complicated machines for work

he's a genius

Was he?

IIRC he mentioned he started as a mangaka because he wanted money to smoke.

He does have pretty good vehicle drawings.

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Plenty of busy panels on earth, fights are just easier to convey on open spaces. It simply makes sense, also just happens to be easier to draw. "Could draw a chapter" isn't the same as "could draw any chapter". Pretty fucking fast still, but skipping drafts and revisions and being satisfied with the result early, and throwing it to assistants, then maybe it happened.

Action scenes are hard to draw and usually require a lot of revision to make sense for the reader. It's one thing to make a slice-of-life chapter in a couple days, but action is much harder. He must truly be a genius.

Toriyama doesn't know how to draw he just has drawing skills. He puts zero conscious thought into what he's doing and lets intuition guide his hand.

>and usually require a lot of revision to make sense for the reader
Someone should say that to Araki.

Asian genes on steroids.

He draws using Ultra Instinct. There's no need for him to think about what he wants to do. His hands simply start moving on their own and naturally produce a chapter of Dragon Ball.

Lazy people can get extremely productive when the deadline is close

I wonder why.

Toriyama was based. Other mangaka are like wageslave salarymen

ADHD+Adrenaline+Hyperfixation= hyperfocus

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Sometimes you could see reused panels rather easily. Off the top of my head, the one chapter where King Piccolo is flicking rocks at Goku while Tienshinhan is a hostage.

There is no one who can surpass him, for he has destroyed (more like annihilated) everyone in his path. None can challenge him, even the gods of destruction appear as fodder when compared to the might of Jiren. The letter "J" alone is enough for subhumans to start shitting/pissing/cumming their pants out of fear or joy or both. It was INSURMOUNTABLEren the UNSURPASSABLE who put down every warrior to his knees, every moeshitter back to his yiffzone, every whore to her kitchen, every bitch to her mutt. Nothing else should be talked about in /dbs/ except for Jiren, cause nothing else matters, Nobody matters. Nothing. Just,


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>Off the top of my head, the one chapter where King Piccolo is flicking rocks at Goku while Tienshinhan is a hostage.
baka the Goten and Trunks fusion chapter should be the first one to come to mind

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Try sketching more often

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